Page 93 of Vicious Vows

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God. What is it with this woman and wanting to drown me? I’d like to think my mother is joking right now, but I know she’s not.

Grandmama says, “All children are a blessing. Anna will become useful soon enough.”

“If you say so.” She pauses. “I know it’s asking a lot, but can she stay with you for a while? Odin is always on edge when she’s around. Not that I can blame him. The girl is positively a nuisance.”

“I told her she could stay for a night, but you’re right. She is a nuisance. She can stay for a few nights, but no longer than that. I have an appointment at the end of the week that I cannot cancel.”


Grandmama’s voice lowers. “I’ll tell you about it afterward. Hopefully, everything goes according to plan.”

I lean in to hear better and bump into the vase. Shit!

Grandmama sighs. “I think the maid is lingering outside the door, even though I’ve told her not to. Let me get off here and deal with her.”

Cursing under my breath, I scurry away, reaching the stairway as Grandmama calls out the maid’s name. Grabbing my bag, I take the stairs two at a time, going to my old room, closing the door quietly behind me.

Well, at least I get to stay for more than one night. It’s for the best, even if I do wish I could see Odin right now.



Being back in this house is like realizing you’ve lived in a cage your entire life and just didn’t know any better. I almost leave twice, but then remember what is waiting for me when I get back home.Home. I need to remember that Odin’s house isnotmy home.

Right now I’m in the living room, playing the piano for Grandmama. I used to love doing this, showing off my skills for her. She used to say I had such talent, and I would preen like a dumb little bird. Now, I’m gritting my teeth as my fingers move over the keys. I’ve been at this for two hours. My back hurts. My hands hurt. And I’m tired of feeling her judgmental stare.

To prove my point, Grandmama scowls as I miss a key as I play. I cringe but say nothing. Instead, I let my mind wander as I get lost in the song. There has to be a way for me to live my life without being under Odin’s or Grandmama’s roof. Both households come with complications that are too much to bear for different reasons.

I miss another key, and Grandmama sighs loudly.

“That’s enough, Anna. I’m tired of hearing you make mistake after mistake. You may retire to your room for the evening.”

It’s only eight, but I stand.

“Have a good night, Grandmama.”

“I will now that I don’t have to listen to that god-awful pecking anymore.”

Rolling my eyes, I make my way to my room. It’s moments like this when I miss my phone the most. I could text Freja, read an e-book, watch Snaps on Snapchat, or even play a mobile game. And all of my good paperbacks are at Odin’s house.

I’m frowning as I enter my room. After digging around my closet, I summarize that there’s not much to do except to take yet another shower. At least I left some of my good shampoo here, otherwise my hair would be a frizzy mess in the morning. Undressing, I pad naked to the bathroom. When the water is warm, I step under the spray in the shower.

This transition that I’m in right now makes me feel uneasy all the time. I don’t belong anywhere. No one wants me. I have no place to go to clear my head. Heck, I thought being back here would give me peace of mind, but it doesn’t. All I can do is wonder what Odin is doing.

Cursing under my breath, I step out of the shower into the very hard body of the source of my torment.

“Odin! What are you doing here?”

He walks me backward until the back of my legs are pressed against the vanity.


He makes a sound. “I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to call me, baby girl.”

Damn my body for sending a jolt of pleasure right to my clit.

“Say it, baby girl.”
