Page 26 of Violent God

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“Easy way,” I mutter.

“Excellent choice. Now, let’s try this again.”

He urges me to walk back to the SUV that is still waiting outside the church, though he doesn’t let go of me. No, he walks with his body pressed against mine as we go back to the SUV. I climb in first and he’s right behind me.

“Don’t even think about trying the door,” he warns, pulling out his phone.

It hadn’t even crossed my mind, but now it’s all I can think about. Glancing at him, I make sure he’s engrossed with his phone as I slowly move my right hand toward the handle. The SUV pulls away from the curb, giving me time to form my plan. I have no way of knowing where we’re going, but I can assume that once we get there, I won’t have another chance to escape.

Right now, I have the advantage of knowing where we are. Kind of. I mean, I’ve been to Manhattan often enough that I know how to get around. Which means the first step in my plan is getting to the subway. I mean, it’s perfect. It’s busy and crowded. Alessandro won’t be able to just grab me like he did in the cab. At least, I don’t think he will. Once I get on a train, I can think of part two of the plan.

The SUV finally comes to a stop at a red light, and I act. Lifting the door latch, I shove my shoulder into the door. Shit! It doesn’t open, and panic courses through me as I try again.

“Isabetta,” Alessandro says with a sigh. “I told you…”

But something wonderful happens as the SUV takes off from the light.

The door opens.

And then I tumble out, landing on my knees.




Alessandro hasn’t said a word since scooping me from the sidewalk. If my knees weren’t hurting so badly, I might try to say something to break the silence. As it is, I’m doing everything not to cry right now. God, that was so stupid. Like, what did I think was going to happen? Did I really think I was going to roll out of the SUV like an action hero and get away? I didn’t even make it three steps. Hell, I didn’t make it one.

No, I literally landed on my knees and then rolled to the side in agonizing pain until he picked me up like I weighed nothing. Honestly, it was kind of impressive how he maneuvered me, but that’s not the point, though that’s all my hormones can seem to focus on.

“Come, Isabetta.”

Hearing him say my name snaps me out of my thoughts. We’re at an airfield and the SUV has stopped in front of a jet. I wince as I climb out, following Alessandro. He motions for me to climb the stairs first. I guess I can’t blame him. I mean, I’ve tried to run twice now. And if my knees weren’t killing me, I’d probably try it again.

Alessandro’s hand presses into the small of my back, so I pick up my pace. Climbing the stairs is painful and I’m limping by the time I get into the jet. I pause. I’ve never been on a jet before. Heck, I’ve never even flown first class. So being here is just…wow. There are eight leather seats—four on each side of the aisle that face each other. Behind them is a door, making me wonder if there is a bedroom or something.


Glancing over my shoulder, I find Alessandro scowling at me. Okay, then. I lower into the seat near the window, hoping Alessandro will sit on the other side of the aisle. Of course he doesn’t. He sits right next to me and calls out for the attendant standing next to door.

“I need a first aid kit.”

The woman nods, disappearing behind a curtain as two men step onto the jet. One dips his head before taking a seat across the aisle.

Clearing my throat, I ask in a low tone, “Friends of yours?”

“That’s Hector and Edgar. They work for me.” He takes the first aid kit from the attendant and says, “Let me see.”

“It’s not that?—”

Air hisses through my lips as he cleans the scrapes on my knee. I try to pull away, but he stills me by holding my thigh.


I grimace. “It hurts.”

“Well, that’s what happens when you dive out of a moving vehicle.”
