Page 27 of Violent God

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“I had to try something.”

“Did you?”

“Yes.” I jerk in pain as he wipes my other knee. “I think anyone in my position would have at least tried to get away.”

His lips part like he’s going to say something. Instead, he blows against my knee, taking away the sting. A piece of his hair falls over his eyes and I have to literally grip the seat, so I don’t do something stupid, like brush it aside.

“Your hair is longer,” I say. He meets my gaze and I stammer on, “I mean, longer than it was when we first met.”

He doesn’t answer and sits upright. A small sliver of hurt spears through me, which is ridiculous. I should be glad he doesn’t want to talk to me…

The flight attendant approaches and says, “Sir, we’re about to take off.”

“Thank you. Did our bags arrive?”

“Yes, sir. I put them in the bedroom before you came on board.” Her gaze darts to me. “Can I get either of you something to drink?”

“Champagne,” he says. “My bride and I are celebrating.”

“Congratulations, sir! I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

When she’s gone, I say, “I’d like to change before we leave.”

He shakes his head. “We’re about to take off. You’ll have to wait.”

Frustration courses through me. Who does he think he is, telling me what I can or can’t do!

Screw it.

I stand and scoot past Alessandro. I don’t wait to see what he’s doing as I enter the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Outside, the engines of the jet start. Guess Alessandro wasn’t exaggerating when he said we were leaving soon. Whatever. If I hurry, I’ll be back in my seat before the jet takes off.

My black bag sits on the foot of the bed next to his designer bag. Unzipping it, I pull out a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. Giosuè never told me where we were going for our honeymoon, only saying that he’d be working most of the trip, so I packed things that were comfortable. Shrugging out of Alessandro’s jacket, I set it on the bed and reach behind my back to unzip the dress. Or what’s left of the dress.

“Dang it,” I mutter, trying to grasp the zipper.

I finally get a hold of it when the door swings open. Alessandro strolls in, looking madder than hell.

“Way to knock! I was trying to change!”

He kicks the door closed behind him and closes the distance between us in three steps.

“I told you we were about to take off.”

“And I told you I wanted to change.”

We stare at each other, neither of us backing down. Maybe growing a backbone today wasn’t such a bad idea. That thought goes out the window when Alessandro smiles down at me.

“Go on, then.”


He sits on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs in a way that only a man can sit.


A laugh escapes my lips. “I’m not going to change with you in here!”

“Why not? We’re married after all.”
