Page 66 of Violent God

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I laugh. “Oh no. That’s definitely not about me. I’m not an heiress.”

“But youwereengaged before, right?”


“And he was trying to join the Brotherhood, right?”

I shift. “I believe so.”

I know he was, but I don’t voice this. Not when they’re both hanging onto every word. My chest is tight. Is there a chance this is truly about me? No. It can’t be. It doesn’t make sense. If I was an heiress, I’d know about it. Wouldn’t I?

“So it stands to reason that you’re the heiress, then.”

Buffy looks like she’s living her best life right now, looking back and forth between the two of us.

I say, “Like I said, I’m not an heiress.”

Buffy pulls out her phone. “What’s your maiden name, dear? I can sort this out.”

Jacqueline nods. “Buffy can find anything online.”

“I’m not sure I should be part of this conversation?—”

Buffy cuts me off. “There it is. Bass. Thank god for public announcements.”

Her fingers fly across her screen and her smile widens. When she turns the phone to face me, my stomach drops.

“Right there is the information, dear.” Her eyebrow lifts. “You surely can’t expect us to believe that you didn’t know…”

What I’m looking at doesn’t make sense. My name is there as well as Nonna’s. And the amount that supposedly belonged to me as of my twenty-eighth birthday. I blink, just to make sure I didn’t imagine all the zeros after the one. What is going on? Nonna left me…millions? How is that possible? I mean, I knew she had money, but this? No. This has to be a mistake.

Aimée makes a sound of pity. “Oh my. I don’t think she knew, Buffy. Now, why would dear Les keep something like that from you? Unless…”

“Unless what?” Vivian asks, hanging onto every word.

“Unless it’s because he’s using Isabetta for her money.” She eyes me. “God knows you’re not his usual type.”

Buffy nods. “You’re right there, Aimée. Alessandro usually goes for brunettes, like Greer or even Missy. No offense, Isabetta.”

No offense, Isabetta?How is that anything but offensive? And who in the heck are Greer and Missy?

Aimée says, “You took the name right out of my mouth. Tell me, Isabetta, has Les told you about Greer? They were madly in love once upon a time. We were all shocked when she ended things, but one can’t blame her.”

“It’s hard to look past cheating,” Jacqueline says with a faraway look on her face.

My chest is tight. I don’t know whether or not to believe these women. Aimée is staring me down, smirking. She has ulterior motives, but that doesn’t mean she’s lying. I mean, Alessandro lived a life before me, and we haven’t talked about his past exes other than what he said when we played strip go-fish. He said there was no one serious, though there was someone he saw on and off for a few years. Is that who Greer is? His almost-serious ex?

Vivian says, “Oh my. I think we’ve scared Isabetta. Dear, please pay us no mind. We’re just looking out for you.”

Buffy adds, “It doesn’t look good, does it? Thankfully, we’re here for you.”

I trust these women as much as I trust a rabid dog or venomous snake. In fact, I’d trust the animals more than these women.

Reaching for my water, I take a sip as I try to get my emotions under control. These women are the type that thrive on drama, and I’ll be damned if I give them fuel.

I say, “Well, I’m sure there’s a logical explanation. Alessandro has been upfront and honest about everything else. Now, who else is thirsty?”

They all chime in except for Aimée, who is on her phone, texting as fast as she can. I wave down a server, who takes everyone’s drink orders. They probably don’t even realize that I didn’t order one. I don’t like to drink on a good day, much less when I’m surrounded by fake-ass bitches who are making me queasy. In fact, the longer I sit here, the more worried I’m becoming that I’m going to vomit.
