Page 67 of Violent God

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I stand. “Please excuse me.”

The bathroom is thankfully empty when I step inside, and I lock the door behind me. My stomach heaves and I have to take in a deep breath as I wait for the nausea to pass. How on earth am I supposed to go back out there knowing they’re laughing at me? They’re not even doing it behind my back. I lean my head against the wall, willing the tears filling my eyes not to fall.

I’m not a pretty crier. If I cry, there’s no denying it and I don’t want to give Aimée and her mean girls more fuel in whatever game this is. A single tear runs down my cheek and I brush it away in frustration. I don’t want to believe what they’re saying is true, but what if it is? Does Alessandro know? My stomach drops. Would he keep something like that from me?

He swore to be honest with me, but I can’t stop the doubt that’s swirling around in my mind. He married me, and there had to be a reason for it. Did Giosuè know about the inheritance? Did my father? The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. My father needed money to pay off his debt. Giosuè was trying to get into the Brotherhood but needed a substantial amount to be accepted. Money he didn’t have on his own. And Alessandro? That’s the only part that doesn’t make sense. What does he have to gain out of all of this? Could he really have married me to get my money, too?

I straighten. I need to talk to him. That’s the only way I’ll get any answers.

Aimée and Buffy are gone when I return to the table, and Jacqueline and Vivian’s heads are together as they whisper. Probably about me.

“Ladies. Did I miss anything?”

Vivian’s eyes are wide. “Isabetta. You were gone so long we were worried that you had left.”

Way to exaggerate. I was gone for like ten minutes.

I say, “I had to take a phone call. So sorry you were worried. Where did Aimée and Buffy run off to?”

Jacqueline waves her hand toward another table. “Those two love to collect gossip. It’ll be hours before we see them again. Now, I hope we didn’t hurt your feelings earlier.”

“Hurt my feelings? Was that your intention?”

“Of course not. We’re just looking out for you.”


Vivian says, “It’s true. We don’t want to see anything bad happen to you.”

“Are you this worried for all the other wives?”

Jacqueline laughs. “Well, no, but they’re not all millionaires like you are.”

I hum under my breath but don’t say anything.

Jacqueline sits a bit straighter. “Oh, here comes Brooks. He’s always got a good joke to tell.”

Vivian fixes her dress as Brooks approaches.

“Ladies,” he greets everyone.

I try not to smirk when he squats next to my chair.

“Ace had to take off. Brotherhood business. He asked me to see you home.”

His tone is low, so Jacqueline and Vivian can’t hear what’s being said, though I’m sure their ears are straining.

“He’s not here?” When Brooks shakes his head, I ask, “When will he be back?”

“Hard to say. Might be tomorrow. Might be a few weeks.” He glances at the other ladies, who are openly listening. “Anyway, just let me know when you’re ready.”

There’s no way I can sit here and pretend to make small talk with these women, especially knowing Aimée and Buffy might return at any moment.

“I’m ready now.” I stand and say, “It was so very nice to meet you both.”

The two return the sentiment, though I don’t believe them one bit.

As I leave, I hear Jacqueline say, “I wonder if poor Alessandro knows his wife is leaving with his best friend?”
