Page 88 of Violent God

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“Ms. Bass?” I look up, realizing Steven’s likely said my name a few times. “We’re here, ma’am.”

“Thank you. I’ll text you when I’m ready to go home.”

Exiting the SUV, I walk on the sidewalk toward the fountains. It’s not busy since it’s earlier in the day, but there are still enough people about that I have to sidestep several to get up to the concrete wall that overlooks the fountains. I stay there for a few moments, allowing myself to face my own truths.

I want this baby. Truth.

I want Alessandro. Truth.

I can’t be with him if he lets the Brotherhood come between us. Truth.

I love him. Truth.

I need him to love me back or we can’t be together. Truth.

It seems so simple when I lay everything out just like that, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do when I speak to Alessandro.

Lifting my phone, I see that the message I was typing earlier is still there and hit send.

Alessandro Moretti

I miss you, too.

Can we talk?

Yes. I’m at the office but can meet you. Where are you?

I’ll come to you. See you soon.

No more lies and no more running. I’m about to text Steven and tell him I’m ready to leave when someone calls out my name.


I slowly turn, coming face to face with my father.

My pulse beats erratically at his threatening presence.

“How did you find me?”



My father says, “I’ve been looking for you since that monster stole you.”

“That monster? Surely, you’re not trying to imply that Alessandro is worse than you?”

He dips his head. “I’ve done a lot of things that I’m not proud of, Isabetta, but everything I’ve ever done was for you.”

“My god. You really believe that, don’t you? Tell me, Father, was spending your paycheck, so I had to work during high school for me? Was beating me throughout my childhood for me? Was selling me to the Caruso family for me?”

He scoffs. “You’re being dramatic. I didn’t beat you.”

Really? That’s his takeaway from what I said?

“You did,” I say, standing tall. “Don’t you dare deny it.”

“It’s funny how similar to your mother you are. You never even knew her, and yet you’re as dramatic as she was.”
