Page 89 of Violent God

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His words barb me, like I’m sure he intended.

“Again, I’m going to ask…how did you find me? What do you want?”

He moves closer and I can see how bloodshot his eyes are. He’s been drinking. A lot. Now that he’s close I can smell it on his breath, and it makes my stomach roil. I take a step back, just to put distance between us. I don’t miss the scowl on his face, but this isn’t like when I was little. I don’t have to take his abuse, especially when I’m pregnant.

I look around, making sure I have a quick way to escape if it comes to that. People walk around us, used to individuals just stopping in the middle of the sidewalk in Vegas. At least he didn’t find me somewhere alone. Thank god for that.

“I think we can make things right. I’ve been in contact with a friend, and he said that once your divorce is final from Moretti that you can marry Giosuè and all will be right in the world.”

His words send off warning bells in my head. How does he know I’m getting divorced? Alessandro hasn’t even been served the papers yet. And why on earth does he think I’d want to marry Giosuè? Realization dawns on me. He doesn’t know that I know about the inheritance. So, he’s getting information from somewhere, but it’s not current information.

“What friend?”


“You said you’ve been in contact with a friend. Who is it?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

There’s a hard look in his eyes that I know all too well. He’s not going to answer me because he doesn’t trust me. Luckily, I have years of lying to this man.

“Dad, I’m scared.” I look around and lower my voice. “Do you trust this person?”

“With my life.”

“Do you trust him withmylife?”

He nods. “I do.”

“Can you at least tell me where you met him?”

He’s the one looking around this time.

“This is going to sound crazy, but he’s in a secret society.”

My pulse quickens. Oh my god. He knows about the Brotherhood. How?

“A secret society? Like the Illuminati?”

He snorts. “The Illuminati are child’s play compared to this. These men have ruled the world since the crusades, pulling strings behind the curtain, so to speak.”

“That’s amazing. How did you meet him?” I widen my eyes. “Are you in a secret society, Dad?”

“I wish. I met him by chance a few years ago in New York City. It was at a big event held by Malik Jafar. I was trying to get in with Jafar, but the deal fell through. Apparently, he only works with Made Men.”

The name doesn’t ring a bell, but I nod, letting him continue.

“My friend was in town looking for potential members to join the society. After talking to him, I suggested Giosuè. The boy’s got a level head and will do what it takes to get the job done.”

“Giosuè is in a secret society? He never mentioned it to me.” I pretend to look hurt or offended. I don’t care which one my father thinks it is, as long as he believes me.

My father says, “Well, he wasn’t a full-fledged member. He had to prove himself. That’s why he was going to marry you.”


“The society prefers their members to be married, so Giosuè needed a bride. The only problem is that Giosuè can be a handful, as I’m sure you’ve discovered, and we had a hard time finding him someone that met the group’s requirement.”

Thankfully, I have no idea what he’s talking about since I barely spent any time with my former fiancé. If he’s anything like my father, then I can guess what kind of person Giosuè is, and it’s not good. And the requirement is definitely my money. It’s a struggle keeping my expression neutral.
