Page 14 of Cruel Captor

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Sick bastard. Sick, evil motherfucker.

Then he unchains me and leads me, with cruel jerks of the chain, across the room to his little makeshift torture chamber.

When we get there, he chains me up facing the wall, with my arms over my head. There’s some play to the chains, which means he wants me to be able to thrash around. I don’t resist; the less I fight now, the less he’ll expect it when I finally do lash out.

He unclamps the little chain that was attached to my clit.

He grabs something from the tray table and shoves it in front of my face. It looks like a large vegetable that’s been peeled and carved into the shape of a curved dildo, with a thick clump of roots as a handle. The end of it is tapered and then it gets thicker and thicker, almost conical.

What the hell?

He leans in and kisses my cheek. “My brother did a lot of kinky shit to you, but he never took you up the ass. It will be my honor to pop that cherry. Today we’ll use the ginger root. Tomorrow it’ll be my big fat cock.”

Horror jolts through me. I struggle to keep my face blank as I press my lips together and turn to face the wall.

A minute or two passes. I hear him rustling around. I assume he’s putting on his hood and turning on the camera, but I refuse to look. I hear him talking to the camera. “This is called figging,” he announces happily to the camera. “The ginger root, on its own, causes an intense burning sensation when inserted into the anus or vagina. I fermented the ginger root for weeks to increase the potency of the burn. When the figging is followed by a whipping, we’ll have even more fun. Each stroke of the whip will cause her to involuntarily clench her inner muscles, clamping down tightly on the ginger and increasing the painful burning sensation exponentially.”

Sick horror churns my stomach. Hearing him describe the intimate way he’s going to violate me, in those gleeful tones, is torture.

Then he strides jauntily over and leans up against me. He’s wearing the mask, and he’s rock hard. “With lube or without?”

“With,” I mutter.

“I didn’t quite hear you. And a please would be nice. Or I’ll set Heather’s hair on fire.” He says it so calmly, as if he’s saying he’ll go fetch Heather a cup of coffee.

“Please give me lube.” I raise my voice and clench my fists.

He turns and calls out to the camera. “Hear that, Joshua? She wants me to lube her up and then take her ass. Well, it will be my pleasure.”

He walks away, and I hear things rattling on the tray. Then he returns and spreads open my cheeks with one hand, and drips something cold onto them. I feel a gloved finger pressing against my clenched rectum. He pushes hard, and I squeeze, trying to resist, but he breaches the ring. One finger slides in, which is revolting but not painful, but then he thrusts another finger in and spreads them apart, and a dull burn throbs inside me.

“You like it, baby?” he croons in my ear.

“No,” I grit. In response, he slides his lubed fingers in farther and pumps them in and out. He pauses and spreads his fingers even wider, and I jerk and grunt in pain. “Gotta open you up a little. You’re so fucking tight.”

He withdraws his fingers, but there’s only a moment of relief before something hard presses against my puckered hole and slides in. He works it in, twisting it, forcing it past my tense inner muscles until I’m gasping in pain. He doesn’t stop until the whole thing’s inside me, and then the burning begins as the fermented ginger sets my sensitive tissues on fire.

I gasp and press my face against the wall, waiting for the whip. Nothing could have prepared me for what’s coming next. The very first slash wrenches a scream of agony from me.

After being held captive by Joshua for all those months, my pain tolerance is much higher than it used to be. But this is red, screaming torture. As he whips me again and again, I scream myself raw. My howls bounce off the walls and smack my eardrums. Trickles of blood run down my back, and I can smell it. With every slash, I clench my ass muscles, just as he predicted, and bolt after bolt of pain shoots up my core. My legs jerk madly, and I’m gasping and sobbing and praying to pass out.

Pain, pain, pain…

Micah works his way slowly from the top of my back down, and it feels as if a lake of fire is being poured over me, from my shoulders to my hips. He stops at my ass, sparing that for now.

When he finishes, I am sagging on my bonds and crying helplessly. Blood runs down my back and splashes onto the floor.

“You pathetic…inadequate little prick,” I sob. “Your daddy would be so proud of you right now.”

He grabs my hair and yanks it until I scream.

“Leave the ginger in? Sure, princess. I’m going to go see if Heather will suck my dick for me. This whole session really made me hot. If you hadn’t mouthed off to me, I’d have taken the ginger out first. You want to be very, very careful when you’re talking about my family. That’s something of a hot button for me.” He smacks my left breast, and the piercing flares in pain.

“Got that?” He smacks it again, harder.

“Yes! Yes!” I scream, and he lets go and walks away. A minute later I’m forced to listen to the sound of him groaning in pleasure as Heather services him.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts…
