Page 28 of Cruel Captor

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“If you really acknowledged everything that you’ve done to me, you’d understand why I won’t leave here with you.” Her chest moves up and down as her breath speeds up.

She looks so pale, so tired.

“Don’t upset yourself,” I say. “Are they taking good care of you? Do you need anything?”

She shakes her head. “Just time to heal.”

I reach out again and take her hand in mine. She looks down at our entwined hands. “It’s okay that you’re touching me,” she says, almost as if she’s speaking to herself. Then she looks up at me. “I thought that after what he did to me, I wouldn’t ever want a man to touch me again, but…I don’t mind you holding my hand.” We sit there in silence for a few seconds, then she slowly slides her hand out of mine.

I lean in and brush my lips against her neck, and I hear the hitch of her breath.

“Stop,” she whispers. I straighten up.

“You liked it,” I point out mildly.

“Yes. That’s why you need to stop. Because I’m not going to fall into your trap again.” Then her lips twitch up in a smile. “It felt good. I’m glad to know that I can let a man touch me again and not want to scream or run. I can still feel pleasure. He didn’t ruin that for me. But it stops now. I’m not going to get used to being with you.”

“You can letmetouch you,” I clarify. It’s an important distinction. I feel a wave of relief sweep over me. She loved sex. Loved having me touch her and dominate her. I’m grateful that she can still enjoy my hands and mouth on her. And I can’t wait to be with her again, to kiss her sweet flesh, to wash away all memory of him.

She gives me a wry look. “You think I’m eager to run out and start dating again? I had no idea you were the jealous type.”

Is she kidding? I’d fucking eviscerate a man if he looked at her too long. But we don’t need to talk about that now.

“When you check out of the hospital, I’ll be waiting to pick you up. I’ve got the resources to protect you in case my brother escapes again.” That’s a scare tactic, but I’ve never believed in playing fair.

And it works. I see the flicker of fear in her eyes. “He’s under guard. He won’t escape.” She says it a little too forcefully.

“We can’t be sure of that, Tamara. He escaped from an extremely secure psychiatric institute. Seduced one of the nurses, it turns out. As long as he’s alive, we can never relax. If I get the opportunity, I’ll kill him.”

She stares at me, eyes widening. “He’s your twin brother, Joshua. Yes, he’s an evil bastard, and he should be locked up forever. But for you to kill him…you don’t know what it will do to you. It will be like killing a piece of yourself.”

It would. But it doesn’t matter. “I have to. You’ll never be safe until he’s dead.’

“What do you care?” There’s a sassy, sullen bite to her tone. It makes my dick twitch. God, I wish we were together back in my house in upstate Maine. I’d spank her bare ass until it was red and hot underneath my hand, then I’d bend her over and make her come so hard she cried.

“I care very much. And you care about me too, despite everything.”

“I don’t care about you. I don’t love you.” Tears start pouring from her eyes, a sudden fountain of grief. I lean forward and gather her in my arms, and the feeling of her warm, fragile body in mine almost undoes me. I hug her very gently to avoid her hurting her bruised flesh, her shattered arm. “I don’t. I don’t!”

Her hospital gown slides off her shoulder, and I bend down and kiss her exposed flesh. She whimpers—that soft, helpless little sound she used to make for me. And blood rushes to my cock, stiffening it with desire.

“I’m not arguing with you, baby. Even though you’re lying to me.” I nip her shoulder sharply, and she whimpers again, louder. “You know I punish you for lying.” I lick the spot that I just nibbled. “But then I make you feel so good afterward. Just the way you like it. Pleasure mixed up with pain.”

“Ah,” she gasps, her breath coming out in little pants of arousal. “Don’t do that to me. Please don’t.”

In response, I stroke her arm, my fingers trailing featherlight over her skin. “I missed you every second of every day, Tamara. I was out of my fucking mind without you.”

She slumps into my arms, all the fight gone out of her. Her head rests on my shoulder, and she sobs until my shirt is damp. “Oh God, what have you done to me? I can’t stop thinking about you. I hate it. I never used to dream, and now I dream of you. I can’t even escape you in my sleep. You’ve invaded my mind, and I can’t get rid of you.”

A warm glow spreads through me. I knew it, but hearing her say the words is more delicious than the sweetest dessert.

“You’ll come home with me. We’ll make this work.”

She sits up again and moves away from me, but I keep my arms wrapped around her, my fingers locked tight behind her back. My little caged bird.

“After what you did to me? No.” Her voice is hoarse.

“I won’t accept that, I’m afraid,” I say sternly, in my “I mean business” tone. “I will never put you in a cell again. I will never try to make you into Toy again, but you are mine.” I’m growing impatient.
