Page 29 of Cruel Captor

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I own her.

She shouldn’t argue with me about that. She won’t win. Doesn’t she know that by now?

“No, I’m not! I’m going to leave this hospital by myself, and I’m going to live my own life.” Her voice trembles. She places her hand against my chest and pushes hard, so I release her and move back a little. But then I reach out and stroke her cheek, trailing my fingers over her lips. She draws in a shaky breath, and I force my finger into her mouth. She closes her eyes, fresh crystalline tears glittering on her cheeks, but she sucks my finger.

This is our dance. She needs it as much as I do. She needs me to dominate her, to claim her. She needs to feel the force of my passion. It brings her to life in ways she’s never felt before. I know that, because we two are one, and I can read her like a book that’s been written just for me.

She starts to pull away from me. I grab her by the throat and hold her still, squeezing just a little. That makes her eyes fly open, and she glares at me.

“I’ll scream.”

“No you won’t. Because then they’d arrest me, and you can’t bear for that to happen.” I look down at her, my eyes gentle. “And even jail wouldn’t stop me. I’d make my way back to you, always. We’ll be together again, and I’ll punish you for refusing me. But afterward, I’ll make you come so hard you cry and beg for more.”

“I hate you so much.” She wipes at her wet cheeks with the back of her hand, her face twisted in frustration.

And I smile.

I could just sit there in the hospital room, and she’d never call for security. I could stay with her until she was ready to check out.

But it’s better if I don’t.

I’ve got her right where I want her. She needs me as much as I need her. But I’m a lot stronger. Even with all these dark feelings bubbling up inside me, clawing at my self-control, screaming through my nightmares, I still maintain an iron control over my feelings and behavior. But she doesn’t have that same self-control. Every second she’s without me, she’ll be craving me.

This will work to my advantage. She’ll be aching and lonely without me. And when the time is right, I’ll claim what’s mine again, and by then, one simple caress will make her melt for me.

“What you hate is how much you want me. I think you need to miss me for a while. Goodbye, Tamara. I’ll see you soon.” I press a gentle kiss to her mouth, and her lips part for me. She moans into my mouth. I kiss her hard, swirling my tongue around hers, tasting her sweetness, and I am the one to break off the kiss, not her.

She looks up at me, eyes glazed with desire.“Go away.”

I nod. “For now. I’ll transfer money to your bank account as soon as I leave.”

“I’ll never take a cent from you!” She spits the words out defiantly.

“You’re homeless.” There’s a snap of impatience to my voice. I’m keeping a mental tally of her attempts to defy me, and refusing my money goes on the list. When she’s ready, when she can handle it, I’ll make her pay for every act of disobedience, in delightfully painful ways. “You don’t have a job. You’ve got seven hundred and fifty dollars in your checking account.”

She doesn’t bother asking me how I know that.

“I’ll figure something out. I always have.”

I stand up. “If you need anything—”

“Freedom, Joshua. How about that? The right to go where I want and do what I want, whenever the hell I want. That’s worth more than millions of dollars.” She looks away and is crying again, and her shoulders are shaking. She looks small and tired. “Please leave, Joshua.” Her voice is trembling. “Please.”

It hurts me to see her like this, it’s a physical ache inside me. All I want to do is gather her into my arms again, lend her my strength, let her know that she is safe and loved. But I don’t. It’s not the right time for it, so I leave.

I walk away from my love, my heart, my sanity. But I do it with a smile on my face, because I know it won’t be long before she’s chained to my bed and screaming my name.



Five days later…

This can’t be right.

As I climb out of the taxi, I stare at the huge brick house looming in front of me.

“Are you sure that this is the right address?” I ask the Uber driver as he sets down my two suitcases next to me. A chill wind makes me shiver, and I hug my second-hand wool coat around me and wish I had a hat.
