Page 154 of The Secrets We Keep

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I looked at him, those hazel eyes doing their best to avoid mine.

“You’re not fine,” I protested.

“What?” He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m totally fine.”

I gave him an incredulous stare. He never used the wordtotally.

Which meant he wastotallynot fine.

* * *

Marin was looking at me like I was a caged lion at the zoo.

And I understood why she might be concerned.

Running for the special election had been stressful. And crazy.

And downright nuts.

But I could win this race for sheriff by a landslide or lose miserably, and it wouldn’t make a difference either way.

My janky nerves had nothing to do with those numbers scrolling across the screen and everything to do with the tiny ring box currently sitting in the pocket of my suit jacket.

I was going to ask Marin to marry me tonight.

And considering the reaction she’d had to her last proposal…

“Hey, Marin, why don’t you get Macon a plate of food?” Billy suggested as he walked over to us. “He’s looking a little peckish.”

“Oh, sure!” she answered, happy to make herself useful.

I gave him a miserable stare.

“Dude, you gotta calm down,” he stated as he stood next to me, his hands in his pockets.

“Easy for you to say when you were on the receiving end of this.”

He grinned, taking his left hand out to look down at his engagement ring—a solid platinum band with a row of diamonds. “Yeah, that did take the stress out of it. Thanks for that.”

“Still didn’t talk to me for a solid week afterward though,” I said dryly.

“Oh, that had nothing to do with me being angry at you,” he explained with a wicked grin. “I was busy celebrating.”

I rolled my eyes. “I know. I practically live next door, remember?”

“Yeah, about that. Are you going to sell your house? Seems like it’s just sitting around.”

I gave him a pleading look as I gazed over at Marin. “Yes, butshedoesn’t know that.”

My house meant jack shit to me, and I’d be happy to get rid of the memories and everything else attached to it. Plus, the extra income from selling it wouldn’t hurt.

“Oh, right.” He made anoopsieface and continued to drink his soda.

“Sorry Eli couldn’t be here,” Billy said, changing the subject. “Handing over the reins to the new management has taken a bit longer than he anticipated.”

“I’m just glad he’s finally moved here.”

“Me, too,” he agreed. “Although I do worry he’s going to die of boredom.”

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