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I gave him an appraising look that told him I wasn’t so sure I believed him. “So, what’s with the keys?” I asked, and then I pointed toward the car with my right hand. “And the shoddy parking job?”

“Oh, well, you know how it is. Dang car has been giving me trouble for weeks. Couldn’t get the thing started, and now, I’m running late.”


He motioned toward the ferry.

I nodded, remembering he had been hired as a captain a while back. My dad had been a captain once. I still remembered the look on his face when he’d told me the good news.

“Things are gonna be different for us, Macon. You just wait and see.”

He had gotten fired four weeks later.

Things were not different. They never were.

“It’s a good job, Ray. A lot of responsibility.” He audibly swallowed. “So I’m gonna ask again, you sure you’re okay?”

I knew he’d said he was off the booze, but I’d rather have him come clean now so I could drive him to the local AA meeting than find out about it later and have to take him to the station.

“Just a rough day,” he said before adding with a bit of hesitation, “I’m sure you understand.”

My jaw tightened. “What is that supposed to mean?”

His face blanched as he took a step back. “Nothing, Macon. Really. It’s just with your wife—ex-wife, I mean,” he stammered as I stared him down, “and the sheriff being on their honeymoon. I thought?—”

Thankfully, his words were cut short by the sound of static on my radio.

“Unit 2, this is dispatch. Can you please provide your current 20?”

Raymond looked at me and then toward the ferry while my mind was still hovering around that comment he had made about Kristy.

Did everyone know they were on their honeymoon this week?

I looked up at Raymond, noticing the way he looked at me.

Of course they did.

This fucking town and its fucking gossip.

I let out a frustrated sigh, scrubbing a hand over my face. I didn’t want to deal with any of this today.

You don’t have to stay…

“Better hurry up then. You don’t want to be any later than you already are.”

He visibly relaxed, his head bobbing up and down in agreement. “Will do!” he said adamantly as he scurried off.

“Oh, and, Ray?” I hollered.

He turned, his eyes wide again.

“Bring that car round my place soon,” I said. “I’ll take a look at it for you.”

He hesitated but nodded before turning back around.

As I grabbed my radio and responded to our dispatcher, I watched Raymond board the ferry, and my eyes drifted back to his car.

Why do I feel like I just made a huge mistake?
