Page 34 of The Secrets We Keep

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Once he was gone, I made a beeline to the coffeepot myself and poured the biggest cup I could find, adding two packets of sweetener and a tiny bit of cream. The first taste was heaven, and it had me wondering if there was anything this man couldn’t do well.

* * *

A few hours later, I was sitting on the couch, going through freelance websites, feeling less than enthused with my options.

I’d quit a perfectly good job.

It wasn’t the first time I had done it either.

But at least with the first time, I’d had Daniel.

And Daniel’s stable income.

Now, I was on my own, and I knew my small savings account would only hold me for so long, so if I was going to stay down here for an undetermined amount of time, I had to try and find a source of income.

Even if it was some shitty freelance gig.

Just as I was about to hit Send on a mind-numbing job that would no doubt drain the last drop of artistic talent I had left, I heard the door creak open, and Macon burst through.

“We have company!” he announced in a tone I’d never heard him use. It was light and warm and…weird.

“We?” I asked before he gave me a pointed stare.

I was about to raise my shoulders in the universal shrug that was the known body language forwhat, but as I did, he stepped aside, and Molly walked in with a giant basket on her arm.

Oh, I see.Wedid have company.

I hadn’t really thought this gala gig through when we’d agreed on it.

I’d just really wanted to make his ex pay.

And the free housework? Total bonus.

Everything else, though? Didn’t even cross my mind.

Good thing I took that semester of acting in high school…

“Oh my gosh,” I exclaimed, rising to my feet to help her. “What is all this?”

“Awelcome homebasket or awelcome backbasket,” she said before adding with a wave of her hand, “I don’t know. Pregnancy makes me want to bake even more, so here, take it, before my husband sees it and gets all growly.”

She handed it off, and I took it from her and nearly fell over.

“This thing weighs a ton,” I exclaimed, setting it on the counter and taking a peek inside.

There were cookies, brownies, and just about everything else in between. My empty stomach growled at the mere sight.


“I tried to take it off her hands, but she insisted on being the one to give it to you,” Macon said, his tone more in line with what I was used to—annoyed.

I’d been so overwhelmed by the basket that I didn’t even notice he’d taken up residence at my side. And it wasn’t like he was just casually standing next to me, like two friends waiting for a latte at the coffee shop.

No, he was standingwithme.

His arm brushed mine, and then, like he’d done it a million times before, he absently linked his pinkie with mine while he spoke, never stumbling over a single word.

Meanwhile, my heart rate skyrocketed, and it took every ounce of my willpower not to look down at our linked hands.

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