Page 121 of Don't Be Scared

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Tiffany frowned and tried to pull away from him. “No.”

“But all the evidence—”

“Is circumstantial.”

“I see.” Dustin released her reluctantly and cleared his throat. “So what are you doing with him?”

“Nothing. I can’t breed him. Not until I know for certain that the problem isn’t genetic.”

“Then you do have reservations?”

Tiffany bristled slightly. “None, but what I don’t have is proof. Unfortunately, Moon Shadow has already been tried and convicted by the press. He’s as good as guilty until proved innocent.”

“Bitter words . . .”

“You haven’t been here trying to talk some sense into the reporters, the owners, the television people.”

“No,” he conceded with obvious regret. “But I bet you handled them.”

Tiffany lifted a shoulder. “As well as I could. I had an interview with Nancy Emerson from theTimesthis morning.”

Dustin smiled. “Your old roommate?”


He breathed deeply. “Good. It never hurts to know someone in the press.”

Tiffany decided to set her brother-in-law straight. “I didn’t buy her off, you know.”

“I know, I know, but at least she’s on our side. She should be objective. Thank God for small favors.”

Something in Dustin’s attitude made Tiffany uneasy.You’re overreacting, she told herself, all because of Zane Sheridan and his wild accusations.

Dustin smoothed back his wavy hair. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Tiff. You’ve come a long way,” he said appreciatively. “There was a time when I didn’t think you would be able to pull yourself together.”

“I have you to thank for getting me back on my feet,” she replied, uncomfortable with the personal tone of the conversation. She was reminded of Zane and the accusations he had made about Dustin. Today, in the fading sunlight, those allegations seemed positively absurd. Dustin was her brother-in-law, her friend, her partner. The man who had pulled her out of the depths of despair when Ellery and Devil’s Gambit had been killed.

Then what about the farm in Ireland, the one owned by Emerald Enterprises? What about Dustin’s signature on the ownership papers? What about King’s Ransom?

She decided to broach the difficult subjects later, once she had learned the reason for Dustin’s unexpected visit. Was it possible that he knew Zane had been here? Had someone tipped Dustin off, possibly Zane himself?

Tiffany felt a growing resentment and anger at Zane. Single-handedly he had destroyed her trust in the only family she had ever known.

“Come on,” she suggested, pushing her worrisome thoughts aside as she walked through the open door of the barn. “I’m starved. Louise made some cinnamon rolls this morning, and I bet we can con her out of a couple.”

Dustin looked as if he had something he wanted to say but held his tongue. Instead he walked with Tiffany to the house and waited patiently while she kicked off her boots and placed them on the back porch.

“Are you staying long?” she asked, once they were in the kitchen and seated at the table.

Dustin hedged slightly. “Just a couple of days.”

“And then?”

“Back to Florida.”

“To check on Journey’s End?”

“Right.” He took a long swallow of his coffee, and his golden eyes impaled her. “You think you could spare the time to come with me?” he asked, his voice uncommonly low.
