Page 85 of Don't Be Scared

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“I saw your horse.”

She sucked in her breath. “You saw Devil’s Gambit? That’s impossible. If he were alive, someone would have told me—”

“Someone is.”

There was a charged silence in the air. “It’s been four years since the accident. Why now?”

“Because I wasn’t sure before.”

Tiffany shook her head in denial, and her honey-colored hair brushed her shoulders. “This is too crazy—where did you see the horse? And how did you know it was Devil’s Gambit? And what horse was killed in the trailer—and . . . and . . . what about my husband?” she whispered. “His brother Dustin was with him. Dustin knows what happened.”

“Dustin claimed to be sleeping.”

Tiffany flinched. How did this man, this virtual stranger, know so much about her and what had happened that night? If only she could remember what Ellery had said about Zane Sheridan. Ellery had spent some time in Ireland—Dublin. Maybe that was the connection. Zane still spoke with a slight brogue. Ellery must have known Zane in Dublin, and that’s why he was here. Something happened in Ireland, years ago. Any other reason was just a fabrication, an excuse.

“Dustin would have woken up if the truck was stopped and the horses were switched. Dear God, do you know what you’re suggesting?” Tiffany took a calming swallow of her wine and began to pace in front of the desk. Her thoughts were scattered between Zane, the tragic past, and the tense drama unfolding in the foaling shed. “Ellery would never have been involved in anything so underhanded.”

“Didn’t you ever question what happened?” Zane asked suddenly.

“Of course, but—”

“Didn’t you think it was odd that Dustin had taken sleeping pills? Wasn’t he supposed to drive later in the night—switch off with Ellery so that they wouldn’t have to stop?”

Tiffany was immediately defensive. “Dustin’s an insomniac. He needed the rest before the Derby.”

“The Derby was weeks away.”

“But there was a lot of work—”

“And what about your husband? Why did he decide to drive that night? Wasn’t that out of the ordinary?” Bitterness tightened Zane’s features, and he clutched his drink in a death grip.

“He was excited—he wanted to be a part of it.” But even to her, the words sounded false. Ellery had always believed in letting the hired help handle the horses. Before that night, he had always flown—first class—to the next racetrack.

Zane saw the doubts forming in her eyes. “Everything about that ‘accident’ seems phony to me.”

“But there was an investigation—”


“I—I don’t know. . . . I think so.” At the time she had been drowning in her own grief and shock. She had listened to the police reports, viewed the brutal scene of the accident, visited Dustin in the hospital, and flown home in a private fog of sorrow and disbelief. After the funeral, Dustin’s strong arms and comforting words had helped her cope with her loss.

“Were Ellery’s dental records checked?”

Tiffany’s head snapped up, and her eyes were bright with righteous defiance. “Of course not. Ellery was driving. Dustin was there. There didn’t need to be any further investigation.” Her eyes narrowed a fraction, and her voice shook when she spoke again. “What are you suggesting, Mr. Sheridan? That my husband is still alive—hiding from me somewhere with his horse?”

Zane impaled her with his silvery stare and then ran impatient fingers through his hair. “I don’t know.”

A small sound of disbelief came from Tiffany’s throat and she had to lean against the desk for support. “I—I don’t know why I’m even listening to this,” she whispered hoarsely. “It just doesn’t make any sense. Devil’s Gambit is worth a lot more as Devil’s Gambit—in terms of dollars at the racetrack and stud fees. Anything you’ve suggested is absolutely beyond reason.” She smiled grimly, as if at her own foolhardiness. “Look, I think maybe it would be better if you just left.”

“I can’t do that—not yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because I intend to convince you that your horse was stolen from you.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Maybe not.” Zane extracted a small manila envelope from his breast pocket and walked back to the desk. “There are some pictures in here that might change your mind.” He handed Tiffany the envelope, and she accepted it with a long sigh.
