Page 4 of Dirty Saint

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She leaned against the counter between the fryers and the space where the cash register sat and smiled at me over the plate of fries I had just sat down for her.

“What’s up?” I asked.

Sadie and I got along well but weren't close because I didn’t hang out like the rest of The Huddle workers. Then again, I wasn’t close to anyone but my sister.

“Do you have any plans tonight after your shift?” She lifted a brow, knowing I usually did all I could to pick up a second shift instead of only working one.

I shrugged, tossing another frozen burger patty onto the grill. “Who knows? I hope Lazy Ass will call out again, and I can snag her shift.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Milly let Lazy Ass go this morning after your shift ended.”


I would never get another double if she hired someone who wanted to work.

“Damn. That sucks,” I said, pretending I cared.

Sadie waved her hand in the air and chuckled. “Oh please, like you give a shit. You’re probably mad you’re losing those doubles.”

My shoulders stiffened at how well she had figured me out over the last year we worked together.

“So who’s the new worker bee?” I asked, changing the subject.

She grabbed the plate of food before snatching a stack of napkins for her table. “I don’t know. Some young chick. I say she’ll last a week.”

Then she walked away, leaving me feeling relieved.

A week without doubles would hurt, but hopefully, the new girl wouldn’t last if Sadie was right.

THE HOURS PASSED, and the sun went down, bringing forth the Friday night drunks. They filled the bar area, some sitting alone and eating their greasy late-night meal, and my pockets filled with tips. I resisted the urge to pull out the money and count it. By the time the end of my shift was approaching, I was tired and ready for a shower.

“Hey,” Sadie appeared behind me and pulled at a lock of my hair. “What are you getting into after your shift?” she asked again.

“Nothing. I’m exhausted, and it’s after midnight. I’m going home to shower and sleep.”

“Lame,” she sang as she reached into a lower cabinet to replenish the napkins on the counter.

I laughed. “It’s not lame to catch up on sleep.”

“It is when you’re young. Sixty-year-olds catch up on sleep. You’re no sixty-year-old.”

“Tell my body that.”

“Whatever. You have a hot bod.”

She turned and continued to work, but I stiffened.

Most people would love compliments on their bodies. Not me. I had spent too much of my life shielding my body against boys and men who didn’t know how to keep their hands to themselves.

The opposite sex wasn’t on my radar. I stayed away from anything with a penis because, as far as I was concerned, men were all the same. They were walking skin sacks full of testosterone with brains programmed to find sexual relief no matter who it hurt.

I was so broken by men that even a female commenting on my body sent me into a spiral of panic.

“Seriously, Tori,” she continued without noticing my discomfort. “Go out with us tonight.”

I laughed, and the sound shook with nerves. “I appreciate you asking, but I’m not feeling it tonight.”

She continued to push, and I wondered if Gracie had somehow reached out to her. “I’m serious. You never hang with us. It’ll do you some good.”
