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Preternatural features: Black and dark gray scales. Spiked tail. The size of three large horses. Long, graceful neck. Head is half the size of a horse’s body. Flat, broad nose. Wide jaw. Pointed horns on his head like a crown. Body is at least twenty feet long.

Personality: Quiet. Reserved. Sage-like.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Extraordinary hearing. Can manifest clothing.

Background: Was Eythos’s bonded draken, the very first, and was close to him even before receiving his dual nature. Created the first mortal with Eythos. When Eythos died, it severed their bond, and he ended up bonded to Nyktos by choice.

Family: Daughter = Jadis. Mate = Halayna †. Distant relative = Thad. Bonded Primal = Eythos and then Nyktos.


When Nektas first meets Sera, he wants her to pet him and is a bit hurt when she thinks he’ll bite her. He has no interest in eating her or any of the gods—especially Saion. Given his bond to Ash (a.k.a Nyktos) Nektas knew when Sera stabbed him and told Ash as much, but he also knew it wasn’t serious. He would have come for the Primal if it were.

After Sera is attacked in the woods, Nektas is there when she wakes. He reveals that the only reason she is still alive is because Ash used a rare antidote on her, which he actually found surprising. He is honest and says it would have been better if he hadn’t saved her. When Sera questions him, he admits that he doesn’t think any of Ash’s decisions have had anything to do with the deal King Roderick made.

Nektas watches Sera and Jadis as they slumber. When Sera wakes, he tells her he was looking for his daughter and figured she’d be with Ash. He didn’t expect Sera to be here, too. He adds that he’s never seen the Primal sleep so soundly, even as a child, and explains that he knew Ash’s parents. He makes it clear he considers Ash family, and then tells Sera that he will call her his, too, since she has given Ash peace.

After Sera brings Gemma back to life, Nektas arrives and says that all the draken felt what she did. He then leaves with Reaver.

I saw a lot of inconsequential stuff in my visions between these happenings and the things I will recount in a bit, but I will relay one takeaway from them: Nektas is an incredible father and a wonderful caretaker. He has a huge heart, and even with his stoic demeanor, that is clear for anyone to see.

In the war room, Nektas shares that Eythos was a fair King—kind, generous, and curious by nature. He reveals that it was he who gave the dragons their god forms. He then outlines what happened when Kolis switched destinies with his brother and surmises that Sera’s presence alone is slowly bringing life back to Iliseeum.

During the first major battle, Nektas arrives with the rest of the draken from the west and sends fire onto the docks, beaches, and the water. He rounds on the crimson draken as it pursues Sera, Ector, and Rhain. It falls, and Nektas circles it as Ash draws near.

Nektas arrives at the palace with Nyktos and Saion. He tries to get Ash to feed, but the Primal is stubborn and insists he’ll ride it out. Nektas lets it go but relays to Sera that the Primal can tip into something dangerous if he doesn’t take sustenance, but even if he doesn’t do that, he’s still weakened and not healing and that’s the last thing any of them needs. He adds that Nyktos won’t feed because he was forced to do it, and Kolis did all manner of things to him.

After some thought once Sera’s plan is outed, Nektas says he thinks they can get Ash to feed from Sera—he’s angry enough to do it. He asks Sera if it’s really her choice since they won’t force her. He’s relieved when she says it is.

When Sera is escorted back to her chambers, Nektas tells her he’s doing as Ash asked and putting her somewhere safe. He adds that Nyktos won’t answer if she knocks on their adjoining door, but he’s sure it’s unlocked. He then asks Sera if she would have followed through in killing Ash if she hadn’t learned it wouldn’t save her people.

She can’t say.

Sera starts feeling pain from her Culling, and Ash goes to get her some healing tea. Nektas arrives just as he leaves and settles in to guard her, sitting on the balcony. He talks to her about the bond between the draken and the Primals and says that he likes being bonded to Ash. When talk shifts to the crimson draken that attacked, Nektas says he doesn’t know if they chose to bond with Kolis because Kolis doesn’t give many of them a choice.

When Ash returns, Nektas tells him that Sera is lying about feeling better. He relays that everything has a smell, and everyone has a unique scent. He tells her that she smells of death, referring to Ash, and that bathing wouldn’t wash it away. He’s disappointed when Sera doesn’t want to know what else she smells like.

Sera drinks the tea, and Nektas tells her he’s impressed that she downed it so quickly. He explains that it wouldn’t have been a known thing in the mortal realm. When Sera tells him she thinks it’s the same as the one Holland gave her, he asks if Sir Holland was mortal and challenges her confirmation that he is.

When the vengeful gods attack, Nektas comes in through the ceiling and torches Madis. He growls a warning as Taric materializes an eather sword and then trills at Sera, urging her to use her gift. Ash tells him to be sure the guards are ready for anything, and Nektas calls out to the other draken, who answer him immediately.

Nektas watches as Sera brings Bele back to life, and trills again when the goddess draws renewed breath.

Nektas leaves to summon the Fates and then returns, waiting for Ash and Sera in the throne room. He eventually sends Reaver to get them. When the Arae respond, Nektas waits with Rhahar, Ector, Ward, and Penellaphe outside the throne room with Reaver by his side and tells Sera and Ash that they will wait—for both of them.

After the dakkais attack, Nektas checks on Ash and Sera. He remarks later in the war room that he doesn’t know every draken but sensed the enemy draken was young—too young to be up to that kind of shit. He wonders if the other god involved in the dakkais attack saw Sera and wanted to grab her, and then tries to calm Ash when he hears that the god planned to let Sera die.

He tells them that a Primal had to be behind the attack, as no one else could command a draken. The question is, who would be willing to anger both Kolis and Nyktos by letting Sera die?

Nektas arrives in the Dying Woods just in time to see Sera and Nyktos fighting. He lands and crouches over Sera after she blasts Nyktos with eather, protecting her from Nyktos possibly retaliating out of reflex. When Nyktos calms a bit and lands, he nudges him and is told he’s okay and just needs a minute.

Nektas shifts and smirks when Sera stares at his nakedness. He manifests some pants for her benefit. He then asks her what the Shade said and grins when she explains what happened. He tells her it’s the embers and explains that Eythos could raise the bones of the dead. He says that he only remembers him doing it once, and it’s not the same as restoring life to the recently dead—that’s why nobody felt what happened with the Shades like they did with the other things Sera did. He reiterates that the embers are really strong in her and then asks Ash if he’s better.

He tells them that he doesn’t think even Kolis knew Eythos could raise the dead that way and then instructs them to go back to the palace since the Shades won’t be scared off for long. He shifts back to his draken form and flies off.

Nektas spends some more time with Jadis and Sera after Ash puts the other gods in their place about Sera and her bravery. He tells Sera that he’s with her because he chooses to be. When Sera asks about Davina, the draken who fell during the battle, Nektas explains about the draken’s family, saying there won’t be a burial rite and telling her why.

Food is brought in, and Nektas laughs and says he thinks it’s funny that Ash thinks he doesn’t know that the Primal lets Jadis eat whatever she wants. He then tells Sera that his daughter can have food if she eats it off a fork instead of using her grubby little fingers. When Sera gets her to eat with the utensil, Nektas stares in stunned amazement and states that everyone has tried with little to no results—even Reaver. He tells Sera that he thinks she reminds Jadis of her mother and then relays what he knows about matings and heartmates. He admits that he knows everything Eythos did and tells Sera the price always matters—speaking about her risk of going after Kolis on her own.
