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Later, in Padonia after Casteel’s rescue, Valyn greets his son and shakes as they embrace. He tells his son that he told Poppy not to go and get him and is put in his place fast. Despite having a lot to discuss, it will have to wait.

When Valyn finally comes face-to-face with Malik again, it’s uncomfortable—he goes pale, his voice cracks, and he stiffens when Malik greets him impassively. All he can do is tell him that he looks good with a vacant tone.

Sven asks what the Blood Queen would want with Malec, and Valyn reveals who she really is, saying that she was Malec’s mistress and informing them that she was never a vampry because a god cannot create a vampry. They create something else.

Talk turns to how Isbeth thinks Malec can help her destroy Atlantia and remake the realms, and Valyn is shocked. The god won’t be in a good state and will need to feed—a lot. He’ll eventually recover but there’s no telling what mental state he’ll be in or what he might do.

Eloana gets back to him about Malec’s whereabouts, and Valyn shares the information: he’s in the northeast corner of the Blood Forest near some ruins, entombed in a casket and covered in deity bones. He then reveals that I helped Eloana entomb Malec, though he has no idea what Primal essence Eloana and I used to do it.

As the group readies to leave for the Bone Temple, Cas tells Valyn that he’s to remain in Padonia with Vonetta, saying that she will need his support to rule. It’s an order, so he’ll obey but bidding the others goodbye is difficult.

He is certainly in for a shock when he finds out everything that happened…


Ex-Advisor to the Crown

Oh, Alastir. While the root of his beliefs and the reason for his actions may have come from a somewhat noble place—wanting to protect the kingdom above anything—he certainly didn’t think things through when it came to what his actions would do to those he purported to love. Not only did he betray those he was quick to say were family, it ultimately cost him his life.

Hair: Long, sandy-blond.

Eyes: Pale blue.

Body type: Broad-shouldered.

Facial features: Ruggedly handsome.

Distinguishing features: Deep groove scar in the center of his forehead.

Other: Raspy voice. At least eight hundred years old but looks in his forties.

Personality: Not prone to violence. A bit of an alarmist.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Incredibly loyal to his kingdom.

Background: Was King Malec’s bonded wolven but has been unable to shift since their bond broke. King Valyn and Queen Eloana’s Advisor to the Crown. Part of the secret Protector brotherhood. After he betrays Cas by kidnapping Poppy, Poppy kills him by slitting his throat.

Family: Daughter = Shea †. Niece = Gianna. Great-nephew = Beckett †.


To me, Alastir has always been a little shady. As a prominent wolven, Malec’s bonded, uncle-like figure to both Princes and Kieran, and the Advisor to the Atlantian Crown, he featured in my visions, of course. Still, there was always…something there that made it slightly unclear and a bit too mutable. After recent events, that reason became clearer. I only wish I had seen it beforehand. But, then again, I don’t mettle in the affairs of the Fates—at least not much.

Let’s pick up the wolven’s timeline when he enters Poppy and Cas’s story, shall we?

As the group is traveling, Alastir arrives at New Haven just ahead of the storm.

After seeing Poppy for the first time and noticing the bite mark on her neck, he comments that he’s missed a lot and goes on to talk with her. Later, during their formal introduction, he mentions that he’s surprised by her last name and says Balfour goes back hundreds of years in Solis. I can only imagine it’s because he knows about the last oracle or something about Leopold. He also mentions that he’s surprised to hear of her Atlantian descent, given how close her parents were to the Blood Crown.

When Poppy mentions the night the Craven attacked her family, Alastir responds with a bit of curiosity. Poppy thinks it’s because he’s wondering if that’s how she ended up scarred. But now that we know he was there, I wonder…

In the banquet hall later, Poppy politely greets Alastir, and he speaks with Kieran briefly in another language. He then mentions his shock at hearing about her proposal to Casteel and refers to her as the Maiden. When Cas chastises him, he acquiesces but not before stating that no one can change the past, regardless of current circumstances. During dinner, when talk turns to how Poppy tried to murder Cas, it takes Alastir aback. I can guess what was going through his mind there. He was already scheming to ensure the prophecy didn’t come to be. And then to learn that she’d tried to murder his Prince…

They discuss the skewed history and what the people of Solis believe, and Alastir mentions that not all in the kingdom are loyal to Queen Ileana and King Jalara. He is, of course, speaking about the Descenters—particularly those faithful to Atlantia and those who think as he does: The Protectors. As talk shifts to the plans, Alastir clarifies that his allegiance is to the Kingdom of Atlantia. To those at the table, it would have sounded like he was talking about Cas and his plans, but we know that’s not true. Alastir was loyal to the kingdom first and foremost until the very end, and that meant he couldn’t be okay with Casteel’s new plans pertaining to Poppy. He also warns about unrest among the wolven.

Alastir asks to speak to Poppy privately, and they take a walk. They discuss the fact that she can fight, and then Alastir reveals how his daughter, Shea, was Casteel’s intended. He puts Poppy at ease and promises he’ll help her get out of her current situation if she feels it’s not what she wants. This may have seemed altruistic to Poppy, but there were much deeper machinations at hand. He also says he’ll ask around to see if any of his people know about her parents, but we now know that he already knew them both.

After leaving to check the roads with a small group, Alastir returns following the Ascended attack. He and his men take care of several of the Queen’s knights, and then he witnesses Poppy healing the injured. He asks her if she’s sure that her brother, Ian, Ascended since he doubts they would have let a half-Atlantian Ascend. He also tells her about the Empath Warrior bloodline and how they could siphon the energy behind emotions, feed on others in that way, and how they were called Soul Eaters.

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