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Back in the mortal realm, they plan to go to Oak Ambler, and Vonetta agrees to go with the group approaching by land. Unfortunately, the Ascended capture them before they make too much progress.

During the Blood Queen’s demonstration with the Revenant, Vonetta verifies that Millicent is dead after the knight stabs her in the chest. She tells the group that there’s no pulse and she smells of death.

In the forest outside Oak Ambler, after Cas is taken prisoner, Vonetta shows Poppy Tawny’s injury and reassures her they’ll get Cas back. Despite her assurances, Poppy loses control of her power and throws Vonetta back reflexively. When Poppy feels bad later, Netta tells her not to be sorry.

Back in the capital, she follows Poppy in wolven form to meet with the Queen Mother and plans to stay until her parents and her new baby sister arrive.

Vonetta spends the night with Emil (and is seen leaving him, utterly sated).

Netta accompanies Poppy when she heads back to Oak Ambler to deliver her message in the form of King Jalara’s head.

During the seizure of Massene, Vonetta attacks from the Pinelands after Poppy opens the eastern gate, then happily attacks and kills a guard who taunted Poppy about raping her. Inside Cauldra Manor, Vonetta, Delano, and Sage head into the underground chambers and lead the way for Poppy.

After delivering the Atlantians’ message to the mortals regarding what is coming and looking for additional Descenters to add to their cause, Vonetta returns and tells Poppy that it seemed like people were ready for someone to do something about the Ascended. She also relays that she told the people the Maiden not only married the Atlantian Prince but is also a god.

Poppy asks her to become the Crown Regent, and she accepts, but she’s not happy about staying behind when they go to rescue Cas.

When the locked box containing Casteel’s finger arrives from the Blood Queen, she, Naill, and Emil take care of the contents. Later, when she checks in with Poppy, they discuss Ian and Isbeth. She remarks that Ian was polite and warm—nothing like she expected. She then relays the stories Ian told her.

During a moment with Reaver later, Vonetta asks who the god of death was before Rhain. He tells her there was never a god of death, only a Primal of Death. She then remarks on how similar Kolis and Solis sound and asks Reaver why Kolis’s magic only worked on the thirdborn sons and daughters. What she doesn’t know is that it didn’t. It worked on others, but it was…different.

When the Atlantian armies arrive—two hundred thousand strong—Vonetta lets Poppy know and suggests that she wear her crown while addressing her people. She then leaves to lead the wolven into the city and helps to secure the Temple.

After they encounter the Ascended Priests and Priestesses in Castle Redrock’s underground chambers, she briefly shoves one of the Ascended into a stream of sunlight after the vampry repeatedly tries to bite her. Once they discover the chamber full of murdered children, she asks Poppy what they’re going to do about the Temple and agrees that they should just burn it to the ground.

Later, she tells General Cyr that if people want to leave the city, they should be allowed. Poppy agrees with her and then bolsters the new Queen’s confidence before speaking to the crowd.

As they make plans to separate, Vonetta promises to look after Tawny for Poppy, and they plan to meet in Three Rivers.

Vonetta and the armies take New Haven and Whitebridge while Poppy is away.

After Casteel’s rescue, Vonetta meets the group outside of Padonia and greets Cas in wolven form. He tells her he missed her, and then she goes to greet Poppy before returning to the city ahead of everyone else.

Vonetta brings Tawny to see Poppy once everyone’s settled and explains that she and Gianna have been teaching Tawny to fight, remarking that the woman is a quick learner.

When Poppy asks for a hug from Vonetta on two legs instead of four, she laughs and obliges. Poppy commends her on leading the armies spectacularly, and Vonetta replies that she didn’t do it alone.

Later, during discussions, Vonetta remarks that Malec would eventually recover from his entombment and ends up in the Blood Forest as they’re looking for the god. Poppy remarks that she isn’t even supposed to be there, but they’re both happy to see each other. When Poppy does the spell to locate Malec, Vonetta asks if the ruins are the right place and remarks how beautiful the magic trail is.

Once they retrieve Malec, Netta rides in front of the procession on the way back to Padonia. Then, the night of Poppy, Cas, and Kieran’s Joining, she spends the night with Emil.

Before going to confront Isbeth, Poppy and Cas decide that if neither of them can rule, then she is to take the throne and order her to stay in Padonia with fifty thousand soldiers. She agrees until the realization of what would have to happen for her to be next in line to rule hits her. Before the couple greets their people, Vonetta hands them their crowns and says they only reveal their true natures when a god sits on the throne.

Just wait until she realizes that Poppy isn’t just a god, she’s a Primal.



Click here to see a full-size image of Tawny by Creatively Agnes.

Tawny was Poppy’s only friend when she was still the Maiden—so much more than just her maid. Tawny was her confidante and her conspirator in getting up to no good. She was the one thing that Poppy held on to while trying to keep a grasp of the normal in an otherwise abnormal existence.

Hair: Brown and gold curls that turn snowy white after shadowstone poisoning.

Eyes: Brown that turn nearly white except for the pupils after shadowstone poisoning.

Facial features: Rich brown skin.

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