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Preternatural appearance: Silver and white fur.

Other: Imprint is like the salty sea.

Background: Was one of Poppy’s main guards. Dies in an underground chamber full of Craven.


Hair: Black.

Eyes: Winter-blue.

Body type: Body of a thirteen-year-old boy.

Facial features: Tan skin.

Preternatural appearance: Black fur.

Personality: Energetic. Excitable.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Has a habit of not watching where he’s going. Loves to chase leaves and butterflies while in wolven form.

Background: Killed by Jansen so the changeling could take his place.

Family: Alastir is his great-uncle. Shea and Gianna are his cousins.


Hair: Bald.

Eyes: Winter-blue.

Facial features: Olive skin tone.

Other: Older.

Background: Works at the stables in Spessa’s End.


[See Delano’s file for additional information]

Hair: White-blond.

Eyes: Pale, wintery blue.

Body type: Tall. Heavy and strong as an ox.

Facial features: Pale skin. Boyish features.

Distinguishing features: Near-constant crease in his brow.

Preternatural appearance: White fur.

Other: Imprint is springy and featherlight.

Personality: Reserved. A bit of a softie.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Not bonded to an Elemental Atlantian.

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