Page 19 of Bleed for Me

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Fully hyperventilating, I desperately yank at the binds, sobbing as fear consumes me. The restraints don’t give even an inch. Hopelessness crushes me as I fall back and cry.

I’m not sure how long I’ve laid in the bed alone. After a while, my tears dried up and I just stared up at the ceiling. I have moved past hysteria and find only emptiness now, resigned to my fate.

When I hear the door creak open, I keep my gaze fixed, still staring at the ceiling. Footsteps make their way up to the side of the bed. The sound of something being set down next to my head precedes a soft clinking noise. I feel the depression in the bed as the kidnapper sits on the mattress next to me.

My eyes remain trained up, mentally tracing the various patterns. I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat and what sounds like hands rubbing against fabric.

Am I making you uncomfortable? Ha!

I fight to keep my face neutral at the thought.

Another throat clearing then a firm, “Paige.” I squeeze my eyes shut.

I know that voice. Iknowthat voice. But from where?

“Paige, look at me.” I shake my head, still trying to place the sound. A sigh precedes the feeling of a hand gripping my jaw. I flinch away but the hand only tightens and forces my head to face my captor. “Open your eyes. Look at me.” I peek open one eyelid and gasp, blinking several times then fixing a wide eyed stare at the man sitting before me.

What. The. FUCK.

“Mick?” My voice is barely a whisper and I curse myself for how shaky it sounds. Mick watches me intently, hand still firmly grasping my chin. He nods and shifts his hand so he can stroke my cheek with this thumb. He’s still as breathtaking as the last time I saw him. His beard has grown at least another inch but his curly blonde hair has been trimmed back so the soft locks fall to the middle of his forehead rather than his eyeline. My eyes trail down and I can’t help but fixate on his mouth as his tongue flicks out and licks along the bottom lip.

The image of him putting those lips on me, the feel of them as he kisses and licks my pussy, invade my thoughts. I try to clench my thighs together against the flood of heat they cause but find the straps don’t allow for the movement. Mentally cursing at myself, I flick my eyes back up and see that the motion didn’t escape his attention. His eyes have darkened with lust, a hunger reflecting back at me before they rake down my body. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to keep my voice even as I ask, “Mick, why am I here?”

He looks back up and replies confidently, “Because you are mine.” He says it with such conviction, like he’s stating a well-known fact rather than an insane declaration.

My brain stutters.

I’m sorry, what?

I laugh out loud, I really can’t help but laugh.

He’s joking, this is some twisted prank. Fucked up and we are going to have to have a long talk and maybe a piece of paper that says he can’t get within five hundred feet of me, but hecan’tbe serious.

The look he gives me causes the laughter to die in my throat. “What?” I squeak. “I’m not yours.”

He reaches out with his other hand and softly brushes back the hair surrounding my face, having fallen from my braid in my struggle to get free. He leans forward, his face only a few inches from mine as he whispers, “Yes, you are, little bird.” I suck in a breath but he continues. “You are mine and now that I’ve caught you, I won't ever let you go.” His breath washes over my face as we stare at each other, neither of us blinking or looking away.

A small voice in the back of my mind is screaming at me to move, to do something to get away from this deranged man. I can’t move, though, I’m transfixed by the deadly creature staring at me. I know I need to say something to convince him to let me go but I find myself leaning in instead, responding to the desire in his eyes.

His breaths become heavy and his lids start to droop, heavy with lust. The hand on my hair tightens its hold and pulls back, causing me to suck in a sharp breath. He hums his approval and leans away, glancing down to my pebbled nipples pressing against the thin material of my shirt. Dragging his eyes back up, he smirks and wets his lips again. “Perfect. So fucking perfect.”

I force down the moan that tries to escape and glare at him. His smirk deepens and he leans forward, trapping a nipple between his teeth. Applying enough pressure that a twinge of pain flashes before pleasure shoots straight through my core. I can’t stop the moan this time and my back arches into him at the same time I pull against the restraints again. He releases my nipple and moves up, placing a kiss against my throat before licking the length of my jaw and nipping at the skin on my pulse point. Another wave of desire floods me, overwhelming any rational thoughts I have.

Aware of the reactions he’s causing, he continues to kiss, lick and nip along my throat. Taking my earlobe between his teeth, the pressure of his mouth and the sound of his heavy breathing thundering so close to my ear elicit another throaty moan out of me. He growls in response, removes his teeth, and leans back so he can look down at me. “You are mine. But I can’t allow you to have too much pleasure yet. You need a punishment for your actions first.” I stare up at him in confusion, shaking my head. He growls again. “Yes. You have been such a naughty girl, little bird.” He runs his hand down my face, fingers gliding past my throat, between my breasts, and landing on my stomach. “You caused me to be rather sloppy today, and I don’t enjoy taking unnecessary risks.” He presses his hand down. “Two men died today because you flaunted this body for someone else.” His fingers snake under the hem of my shirt and curl around the waistband of my leggings. “Showed off your lucious ass to a couple of assholes.”

My brain is too far lost to terror and lust to understand what he’s saying. I gasp as he yanks his hand down, ripping the material apart. He continues to pull at my leggings until they’re pooled around my ankles. My mind finally sharpens and I’m about to demand what he’s doing when he slips out a small knife and moves down between my feet. I still, terrified of making the wrong move.

“No one else gets to enjoy this body. No one else gets to have your smiles. You. Are.Mine.” He punctuates the last word by slicing through the material and ripping off what’s left of the leggings, tossing them to the side of the room. I whimper and press harder into the mattress. This only seems to make him more angry. He shoves the blade behind him. Returning, he runs both his hands up my bound legs, fingers digging into my skin as he approaches my center.

I stare at him, mouth parted and panting.

I’m so confused, I shouldn’t be this turned on by the man who kidnapped me, tied me to a bed and…wait, did he just say two people died? Because of me?

“What do you mean two people are dead?” I demand, proud that my voice came out stronger than I expected.

He chuckles as he pauses his ascent, sliding his hands inward so he’s gripping my inner thighs. “I killed them.” I let out a sound I’m not entirely sure is human.

He killed them? He murdered two people and is just admitting it? Who the fuck is this man?
