Page 34 of Bleed for Me

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After an agonizing pause, Seth’s shoulders slump and he nods. “Yeah, you’re right.” He looks up at me. “Stay safe Paige. And don’t hesitate to call if you need me.” He gives me one last lingering look before leaving.

I watch his retreating figure and force back the tears threatening to spill. My eyes slowly drift to Mick. He’s staring after Seth as well but as he feels my gaze on him, he turns his head to meet my eyes. I suck in a breath and watch as he takes a step toward me.

I don’t know why I ever thought I could get away from this man. One look from him and I’m trapped. My body pulls toward him even as my mind screams to run away.

Even if I fight it every moment of the rest of my existence, one thing has become very clear.

Iamhis, because he’s never going to let me go.

Chapter 17


Seth O’lanne. Detective Seth O’lanne.

My mind is a swirl of thoughts as I watch Paige talking to the man determined to invoke my wrath. I had planned on capturing my girl first and then looking for him but then he waltzed right into the shop. Observing the rise and fall of her chest, the clench of her jaw and the small beads of sweat on her forehead, it’s obvious she’s nervous. I tilt my head as I contemplate the reason behind her concerns. She keeps glancing at me and swiftly away, fiddling with the edge of her apron. I turn my gaze to the intruder.


He looks relaxed, happy. He’s babbling about some nonsense to Paige and the other man standing next to him. I recognized Detective Kristoph Lary immediately and had to flex my fingers to avoid strangling him when he turned his attention to Paige. The fact that he knew her and knew her last name made my teeth snap together and blinding hatred overwhelmed me. He knew something about her I didn’t. Now I do.

Paige Greene.

My beauty, my passion.

How fitting her last name would reflect the color of wilderness.

I listen to the conversation and subtly crack my knuckles as I glare holes into the back of the two men’s heads. I don’t know much about Seth but I know Kristoph. I may be a monster, but at least I don’t hide behind a false morality. Despite his public image, Kristoph is as bad as I am. He makes corrupt cops look like saints, his sins are a dark stain on him. If Seth treats him with such camaraderie, I can only guess at how blackened his own soul is.

Seth and Kristoph are wise enough to leave after obtaining their drinks. I have to grip the back of the chair next to me to physically restrain myself so I don’t lunge when Seth tries to touch Paige. She pulls back and tells him to leave, for good, and my lips twitch as I fight to keep the smile off my face. She won’t have to worry about him bothering her for much longer. Not with what I have planned for him. For both of them.

I feel Paige’s eyes on me as I focus on the men climbing into a vehicle and pulling away from the curb. I slowly turn my head to meet her gaze and find my feet moving, magnetized to her. She gasps softly but doesn’t move. My eyes stay on hers as I amble toward the counter. I stop when my hips hit the surface and don’t miss the way her body leans toward me.

Smirking at her, I watch her face flare with rage even as she has to grip the countertop to keep from leaning further into me.

Oh my little bird, your body yearns for me. Your mind may try to lie to you, but your body knows who you belong to and soon, so will the rest of you.

Paige’s lips part as I reach forward and brush my fingers across her cheek before grasping her chin. “You’ve been very bad.” I shake my head and tsk. “Do you know what happens to bad girls?” She doesn’t say anything but her eyes widen as she stares at me, transfixed. I lean forward so my lips press against her ear and purr, “They are punished.”

Paige trembles under me and lets out a choked noise, trying to pull out of my grip. I tighten my fingers and stick my tongue into her ear before growling, “Don’t try to run again, little bird. Or I’ll make sure you never come again.” She whimpers and presses her thighs together. I press a soft kiss on her temple and lean back, keeping hold of her face. “Now be a good girl and finish up, we have some things to discuss.” I release her and stroll back to the table, sitting down and crossing an ankle over my knee. Slinging my arm behind the back of the chair, I stretch out and stare her down. One eyebrow raised, daring her to test me.

After several long moments, Paige visibly shakes herself and cleans up the mess from the rush of customers. I look around and am relieved to see the lobby is mostly empty. Only a couple of college age kids with their heads tucked into laptops, headphones covering their ears. I wouldn’t have cared if someone had witnessed the interaction but this makes my clean up much easier. Returning my gaze to the center of my devotion, I watch her finish up then turn and walk toward the back.

I move to push up from the seat, my expression becoming thunderous, when Paige freezes and glances around. When she’s certain no one can hear her, she licks her lips and mutters just loud enough for me to hear. “I have to tell my boss I’m leaving early.” Her head tilts toward the door leading farther back into the building. “Her office is back there. I’ll be quick.” She lowers her head and raises just her eyes, peering at me through her long lashes.

Forcing back my desire to rush to her and throw her over my shoulder to take away any possibility of her running, I rub my jaw and incline my head. “Be quick.” It’s not a request, it’s a command and she would do well to heed it. Nodding stiffly, Paige takes off.

I wait patiently, well as patiently as a predator stalking his prey can wait, staring at the door she disappeared into. Glancing at my watch, I grind my teeth, my control beginning to slip as I watch the minutes tick by. I’m about to rise and storm back to find her when I hear the door swing and look up to see Paige stride through, her purse slung over her shoulder.

She glances around and then rushes to me, stopping a few steps away with her eyes on the floor. I study her as she stands before me, taking in her beauty. She has her hair pulled up into another messy bun, light makeup on her face and a simple pair of earrings in. Her t-shirt is stretched tight across her chest and ends just shy of the hem of her dark jeans. My jaw works as I take in the amount of skin showing on her stomach and through the massive tears in the jeans she’s wearing.

Slowly rising, I take a step forward and slide my hand to her exposed midriff. Paige stiffens but doesn’t move or look up. I run my fingers over her skin and watch as goosebumps rise in response to the touch. In a low voice, I speak while continuing my patterned movement. “Did you wear this to make me angry, little bird?” She sucks in a breath and shakes her head. I hum, fingers moving further down and brushing against the top of her jeans. “If that’s not it, did you wear this to turn me on?” Her eyes flick up to mine and then quickly return to the floor as she shakes her head again. “You sure? Because I think you wore this in hopes you would run into me.” I lean over her and undo the button, slipping my fingers into the top of her pants. “You know what you do to me and you wanted me to find you.” She gasps as my fingers drift over her clit. “This drenched pussy of yours is desperate for my cock. Isn’t it?” It’s not really a question as I roughly grab hold of her pussy and squeeze.

The feeling of her damp panties against my palm has me stifling a groan. She whimpers as I squeeze harder and I have to bite my lip to keep the noise from escaping my throat. “Fuck Paige. I’m so goddamn hard.” I roll my hips into her, showing her just what she’s doing to me. “I’m going to fuck this tight cunt and remind you who it belongs to.” I promise as I release her. Pulling my hand out of her pants, the smell of her arousal emanates from my damp fingers.

Looking at her, I’m filled with fury again.

This woman left me. I warned her. I showed her who she is and what I can do to her.Forher. Yet she still fled.
