Page 70 of My Little Girl

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Holding my breath, I push off the couch, careful to not make any noise. Andrew snorts, muttering something unintelligible. Ifreeze in place, hovering over the cushions until he settles back into his seat. When his even snoring resumes, I blow out my breath and stand up, creeping around the table until I have a straight line to the office.

Keeping my steps as silent as possible, I make my way down the hall, grateful to find the door still open. My eyes dart around the room searching for my phone. Finally, I notice it lying on the floor where Killian must have dropped it earlier.

Glancing over my shoulder to make sure Andrew is still out for the count, I quickly snatch it up. My fingers tap on the screen, searching frantically for the app. Fallon insisted we set up our phones to be able to find one another after reading a particularly traumatizing dark romance. I’ve never been more grateful for her smut addiction.

I let out a sigh of relief when I open the app and see the dot for her location flashing.

I’m coming babe, don’t worry.

Darting to my room, I hurriedly change into a pair of sweats, t-shirt, and light jacket, tugging a pair of boots onto my feet. Once satisfied with my new ensemble, I tiptoe back down the hall and press the button for the elevator.

“Come on.” I mutter, resisting the urge to tap my foot for fear of waking up my guardian. The second the elevator dings open, I scramble inside.

Andrew shoots up, looking around until his eyes land on me. “Where are you going?” He calls, leaping from the couch and running toward the elevator.

I wave at him as the doors shut. Killian should have known better than to try to keep me away from someone I love. SomeonesI love.

Rocking on my feet, I glance at my phone repeatedly on the long ride down. When I finally reach the lobby, I rush from the lift, almost barreling into Luke.

“Oh Miss Marcia. Are you alright?” He asks, reaching a hand out to help steady me.

Glancing over my shoulder, I push past the doorman, calling over my shoulder, “Yep, great. Sorry about that!” Without giving him the chance to question my unusual behavior, I sprint out the main door. Looking down at my phone, I turn left and begin following the dot.

I scream as I run into a hard body, scrambling backward and flailing to keep from falling. A hand reaches out and catches me before I can fully tumble to the ground. “Woah Ava, what’s the hurry?”

My eyes bug as I look up and find Tyler standing before me. “Tyler?” I stammer, looking around. “What are you doing here?” My eyes narrow on his hand still holding my wrist.

Ignoring my discomfort, Tyler keeps hold of me. “I was worried about you. That guy seemed…off.” I stiffen at his tone, instantly on the defense. Before I can say anything, Tyler catches my gaze, his own filled with concern as he asks, “What is going on with him Ava? He’s old enough to be your dad but he seemed like he…” Tyler trails off, begging me with his eyes to deny what he can’t bring himself to say.

Squaring my shoulders, I meet his gaze. “That’s none of your business Tyler.” Glaring down at his hand again, I demand, “Let go of me.”

He tightens his grip in response. “I can’t do that Ava. I’m worried about you. I don’t think you’re thinking straight.”

Tears prick at my eyes as I feel my window of time ticking away with each passing second. Tugging my arm, I beg, “Please Tyler. I need to leave. Let me go.”

Shaking his head, he insists, “Not until you tell me what’s going on.” A hint of desperation fills his voice as he pleads with me. “Ava, please.”

I open my mouth to argue back when a deep voice sounds behind me. “She said to let her go.”


Tyler looks behind me at Andrew. “Who the fuck are you?” He snaps, tugging me closer to him as he angles his body in an attempt to protect me.

Andrew steps closer, crossing his arms and looking every bit as intimidating as one would hope an appointed bodyguard to be. “Someone in charge of protecting Avamarie.” Glancing over, Andrew throws a wink at me before returning his glare toward Tyler. “Now let her go. I won’t repeat myself again.”

Tyler looks between the two of us. A pained expression flashes across his face before he masks it with one of disgust. Scoffing, he finally releases me. “Jesus, Ava. Who knew you were such a whore.” My breath hitches and the tears filling my vision begin to fall down my face. “I guess I should have known after the way you threw yourself at me for years.” Tyler falters, his face falling before the hardened mask takes over again.

I cower back, a sickening feeling overwhelming me at the vicious accusations coming from the man I once thought I loved.

Andrew steps between us. “You need to leave. Now.” He orders, dropping his arms and shifting to reveal a gun poking out of his waistband.

Tyler throws his hands up and starts backing away. “Hey man, I don’t want any trouble. She’s not worth it.” Glaring at me one last time, he takes a deep breath before biting out, “To think I almost took pity on you and fucked your fat ass.” A sob breaks free as he attacks me in the one way I never thought he would.

Tyler pauses, his arms extending toward me before he yanks them back, shoving his hands in his pockets. My tear filled eyes meet his one last time, finding a mirrored look of agony in his own watery eyes. Blinking away the moisture, he turns and walks away, shoulders slumped.

Andrew doesn’t move until Tyler’s form disappears around the corner. Relaxing his stance, he turns to me. “Hey, you okay?” He asks, concern etched into his face.

I shake my head, wiping my arm across my tear streaked face. “I-I need to find Fallon.” I hiccup, pushing past him.
