Page 77 of My Little Girl

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Chapter 44


I stare at the email on my computer. It’s been sitting here for days waiting to be sent off to the program directors. My official withdrawal from college.

I couldn’t bring myself to go back after everything. Even though it’s been months now since I last saw Tyler, the thoughtof running into him has been enough to keep me from setting foot on campus since. He’s not the entire reason for my decision, rather just the final push. Being so far behind would require retaking several classes and I just don’t care about it anymore, not when I find myself in love with a criminal of my very own.

Maybe I was always destined to fall for someone on the darker path of life. I’ve certainly always been fascinated by them.

“Just click send Ava.” I mutter to myself as I continue to stare at the screen, my finger hovering over the button. “Come on, don’t be a pussy.” Closing my eyes, I grip my hand with my other and force it down on the mouse. The click is loud in the silent room and I force myself to take deep breaths to fight back the panic threatening to bubble over. “See not so bad.” I mumble, blinking my eyes open and looking at the now empty screen.

Pushing away from the table, I make my way down the hall to Killian’s office, finding myself in need of a distraction.

A dickstraction is more like it.

Chuckling to myself, I creep up to the closed door and slowly twist open the knob, careful to not make any noise as I slip inside.

Killian has his head in his hand so he doesn’t see my entrance. “I just don’t know Andrew.” He grumbles, massaging his temple. “No I see your point but does she really need to be involved?” I freeze, my ears perking up at the mention of a woman. Sighing, Killian drops back in his chair and runs a hand down his face. “Okay, fine we can talk to Arriana abou-” His words cut off when he lowers his hand and discovers my intrusion.

I smile and give him a little wave. Narrowing his eyes, he beckons me over with his hand. “Andrew I’m gonna have to call you back.” He grunts, disconnecting the call. I walk toward him, stumbling over my feet and cursing. When I make it to his side, Killian pulls me into his lap. “Now what are you doing in here, baby girl?” He asks, running his hand down my throat.

I swallow. “Um, I just sent off my withdrawal notice and needed a…distraction.” My cheeks flush at the verbal admittance.

“A distraction, hmm?” He hums, continuing his strokes. “And what did you have in mind?”

Licking my lips, I shrug. “I dunno. Something, um, fun and enough to make me mindless for a while.” I shift in his lap, hoping to convey my meaning with my body even as my words fail me.

Chuckling, Killian lifts me from his lap. I pout at him and his eyes darken. “If you want to be mindless, there’s something we could try.” He offers, setting me on my feet.

I watch him as he pushes up from his seat, my heart rate increasing. “Okay.” I whisper.

Smirking down at me, he grabs the back of my neck. “You’re going to do exactly as I say. And I mean total obedience. Understood?” I nod, my thighs clenching as heat floods my core.

Holy shit, why is that so hot?

Killian sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, running his eyes down my body. “That’s my good girl.” He murmurs and I can’t hold back the moan his praise elicits. His eyes flash and he tightens his fingers, pushing me down as he commands. “Get on your knees.” I immediately obey, sinking to my knees before him. Releasing his grip, he straightens and orders, “Take out my cock.”

I blink up at him and reach forward, fumbling with his belt before I’m able to undo the buckle and quickly work to free his cock. Looking back up at him, I wait for another command.

Killian peers down at me, running a hand through my hair. “Look at you.” He murmurs, stroking my head. “My little girl looks so beautiful on her knees.”

My breath hitches and I lean forward, gripping his cock with my hand. I glance up at him, the next words tumbling out beforeI’ve had a chance to stop them. “Does that make you my Daddy?” My face flames as the words I’ve only ever fantasized about slip from my lips.

Oh shit why did I just say that?

Before he has a chance to respond, I lean forward and take him into my mouth. Maybe he’ll forget all about it if I give him a mindblowing blow job. One can hope at least.

My hope is dashed when he rips me from his dick. “What did you just say baby girl?”

I shake my head, refusing to repeat my embarrassing desires.

Bending closer, he grips my chin. “Daddy asked you a question.” My pussy clenches in response. No fantasy could prepare me for the intense reaction to it becoming a reality.

“Sorry Daddy.” I whisper, finding it easier to say now that he has also acknowledged the kink.

Letting go of my face, he straightens again. “That’s my good little girl. Now wrap those beautiful lips around my cock.” I leap forward, eager to please him.

Taking his cock into my mouth, I lick around the head, running my tongue on the vein as I slide down his shaft. Killian groans, fisting my hair and shoving me forward. My nose brushes his pubic bone and I gag as I fight for air. Gripping his thighs, I try to push back but he tightens his grip. “No no, you chose this baby girl.” I whimper, trying to breathe through my nose.
