Page 110 of Euphoria

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“Gert is going to have a fit when she finds out I’ve been swimming and soaked my hair in chlorine,” Alex said when she was close enough that she didn’t need to shout. At the bottom step, she sunk down so only her head was above water and made her way over to Morgan.

Instantly, two long legs wrapped themselves around her waist. Arms followed around her neck with a kiss that heated every fibre of her being.

“I didn’t realise swimming was quite so exciting.”

Morgan grinned. “You know, I love that we don’t have to hide us.”

“Yes, though we still have to be careful not to upset Francine with any more public order offences.”

“Like making out in a hotel pool.” Morgan laughed at the look that covered Alex’s face. “Okay, I promise to, what does she say? Keep it in my pants in public.”

“Indeed.” Alex tilted her head and kissed her again. “Once we’re done and get home, it will be a little manic. I might not see you for a while, what with me being in the studio and you going back to work.”

Morgan nodded and smiled sadly. “I know, but I think if we really want it to work then it’s going to be the best test ofour relationship. This isn’t normal, what we have now is magical but not real life, and as much as we both hope it will be just as exciting, we should prepare for the distance to hit us hard.”

“Hm, I already don’t like it.” Alex laughed. “But I’ve never been somebody who needs to live in someone else’s pocket, and I kind of feel like you’re the same. So, I think we will make it work.”

“I’m not walking away.”

“So, are we going to swim or just stay like this?” Alex asked, looking around them. The man who had been swimming had stopped at one end for a rest, ignoring them completely, but something else caught her eye. “For the love of—” She untangled herself from Morgan, her gaze fixed and steely on something behind them.

Morgan turned and set eyes on Laurel, standing by the lounger next to theirs.

“Alex,” Morgan said, reaching out to grab at her lover’s arm, but she slid from her grasp. “Leave it.”

It was too late. Alex was already swimming back to the steps, and before Morgan could catch up, she was marching up them, water splashing everywhere. This time, she ignored the women in the jacuzzi and marched around the pool until she was within ten feet of Laurel.

“What the hell are you playing at?” she said, her voice echoing more loudly than intended. “You need to stop this. How dare you intimidate and threaten Morgan?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just enjoying a holiday and trying to relax by the pool,” Laurel said, all doe-eyed and whimsical. “I’m not doing anything to you, Alex, or your precious girlfriend.” Laurel’s line of sight moved.“She’s pretty.” When she turned her attention back to Alex, she said, “How old is she?”

“I swear to god, if you ever come near me or Morgan again, I’ll—”

“Alex,” Morgan said from behind her. “Just walk away. She’s not worth it.”

Laurel’s demeanour changed in an instant. From laid back and childlike innocence, she launched up from the lounger towards Morgan.

“Don’t you speak about me like that,” Laurel said, hands raised and ready to lash out. “I am worth it,” she screamed and sprang forward.

She didn’t get anywhere near Morgan. Alex stepped in between them, raising her hands, and shoved Laurel hard in the chest. “Back off, you do not touch her.” And with one more almighty shove, Laurel was propelled backwards, fully clothed, into the pool. “I won’t tell you again,” Alex shouted at her as she leaned over the edge and glared down at Laurel, who was flapping about and screaming. “Stay away.”

“That’s assault,” Laurel spluttered and sank under the water before popping back up again, righting herself enough to swim to the edge. “I’ll have you arrested,” she shrieked at Alex’s back.

“Move,” Morgan said quickly, pushing Alex towards their things. She swiped up their robes and handed one to Alex before grabbing their bags and hurriedly exiting the pool area. “We need to get out of here, right now.”

Alex didn’t say another word. She was getting good at doing as she was told.

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Francine strolled in like a woman on a mission.

“I thought the spa was supposed to relax you, not turn you into Rambo. What were you thinking, Alex?” she asked, looking back and forth between the pair of them. “And where the hell were you?” she said, turning to Mack.

He held his hands up. “We checked with the hotel, they had no one booked in under Laurel Canning. I searched further afield and found a room booking at another hotel. My guys went down to the spa, checked it all out, there was nothing there to concern us, so I posted a couple of guys outside. Somehow, she slipped past them. I can only apologise and say that we are working to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

Francine shook her head. “Get out.”

“I really think—” Mack tried to continue but was met with an ice-cold glare.
