Page 23 of Euphoria

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The three of them turned toward the MC. Everyone else around them began to move and take their seats.

“I guess we should sit down,” Alex said, looking around, wondering whether they had allocated seating.

“It was nice to meet you,” Morgan said to Calista with a smile that almost looked sincere. “We’re on the front table,” she said, leaning into Alex before offering her elbow.

They walked away, leaving Calista to find her own seat, not quite at the back but far enough that she wouldn’t be bothering anyone.

“She doesn’t like you, does she?” Morgan stated as they moved between chairs, andSashasmiled at those they passed. “What did you do to piss her off? Not that it requires much from what I’ve heard.”

Alex sniggered. “I guess Dr Urquhart and I didn’t see eye to eye on our…dates.”

“Oh, you dated. Wow, okay.” Morgan smirked. “I guess that’s a story for another day.” She pulled a chair out and acknowledged the other people sitting at the table, including Francine. “Looks like you’re next to me.”

“Looks like I am.” Alex smiled, sliding into the seat.

“So…” Morgan leaned in. “Tell me why someone as accomplished and attractive as you is still single?”

Alex chuckled. “I think that might be a question with a complicated answer.”

“Really? I like complicated. Like a puzzle?” She sat back and let her eyes move over Alex for a moment. “You’re an enigma, aren’t you?”

“Only when the cameras are looking.” Alex’s eyes sparkled as they both turned to find a photographer ready to take their picture.

Morgan moved effortlessly between the tables as she made her way towards the bathroom. Three glasses of champagne were her limit, and the soda and lime she’d been drinking since had had a definite effect on her bladder.

She pushed the door open just as it was pulled from the other side, and Calista Urquhart swayed.Clearly, more than three glasses, Morgan thought as she smiled and stepped aside.

“You know, she’ll just dump you when she’s done with you,” the icy doctor slurred, bumping against the doorframe.

“Sorry, what?” Morgan smiled.

“I said.” Calista stood in front of her and poked her bony finger into her chest. “She won’t want you forever.”

“Who?” She knew who Calista was referring to, of course she did, but she wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction of knowing she’d just poked a nerve.

Smirking, Calista slid a cold palm over Morgan’s warm cheek. “Don’t play coy. You know who I’m talking about. You’re just her type.” Her head tilted, and the smirk widened into a smile. “Mine too…if you were looking for a little no-strings fun and a guiding hand through promotions.”

“Are you propositioning me?”

“I’m just giving you options. Like I said, she’ll drop you the moment—”

“Morgan, I thought you’d gotten lost,” Francine said from behind Calista’s back. A cold stare slowly turned around. “Dr Urquhart, how are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you…” Urquhart narrowed her eyes as though trying to remember where she knew the face from.

“Francine Carlson, Sasha’s PA. We met at the hospital.”

Calista removed her hand from Morgan’s shoulder and closed her eyes as she got her alcohol-hazed thoughts together. “Oh yes, I remember, the brash American sticky beak.”

Morgan’s eyes widened at the outright rudeness.

Francine just grinned. She loved this kind of animosity; it fanned her fire.

“I’m so pleased I made such an impact. You may go now.” She closed in on Morgan as they both watched Calista stalk away, grabbing the backs of chairs to hold herself up as she drunkenly swayed. “What a bitch.”

“That’s one word for it.” Morgan laughed.

Chapter Twelve
