Page 33 of Euphoria

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“So, how do I stay out of the way, while being wherever you are?” Morgan questioned.

“Yes, I see how that could be confusing.” She stared at Morgan, wanted to move closer and solve the issue by just kissing her, but that would be inappropriate, wouldn’t it? “How about for now, I decide when I think you should be wherever I am, and when you should keep in the shadows?”

Morgan chuckled at that. “Makes me sound like Batman.”

“Well, I’m sure you have your very own superpowers,” Alex said.That stare for one, she thought.

Grinning, Morgan nodded slowly. “I hope I do.” The stare continued. “So, lunch?”

Alex shook herself out of it. “Yes, I’d very much like it if you joined me for lunch, and as for pretending to be my lover, we should probably play that by ear. Maybe have a signal.”

“A signal? Like…”

“I don’t know, I suppose I could…maybe if I reach for you, touch you in some way? That would indicate to you that...” Had she moved? She suddenly felt very close to Morgan, and hot, very hot. “Your knee…that’s…it’s an intimate thing to do, right? I…”

“Sure, okay.” Morgan smiled slowly. “My knee works if we’re sitting down.”

“Yes, Oh, that’s…” Alex laughed nervously. “That would be weird, wouldn’t it, if we were standing and I reached for your knee.” She pulled at her earlobe and looked away, “Okay, your hand, maybe that…maybe that works better?”

Morgan reached for the door handle and smirked. “Sure. I’m good with either.”

Chapter Seventeen

It was quiet as they rode the lift down, and Alex considered the conversation they’d just had. There was something about Morgan Kelly that set Alexandra Montgomery on fire. She needed to be careful about that. Even though she was sure the feeling was mutual, it wasn’t the time. Not now, not when she needed to be focused and on top of her game. But still, penetrating every thought lately had been those eyes, that smile, and the way Morgan Kelly took flirty playfulness to another level.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the doors to the lift opening until she heard the gasp and then the voice following it up.

“Oh, it’s you?” the woman said, grinning and pointing at Sasha. “You were on my TV last week.”

It took mere seconds for her smiling persona to kick in and say a friendly, “Hello.” Not stopping to chat, she casually walked past with Morgan following. The woman wanted to say something else, but Alex had already moved on.

A couple of people pulled their phones out and began to film or take photos, which Morgan thought was incredibly rude, but par for the course, she assumed. She understood right there that she needed to make sure she too always looked her best if she was going to pop up in the background of photos that could essentially be online forever and ever amen.

“Could I get a photo, Sasha?”

The woman had caught up with them, determined to get her moment with a celebrity. Morgan wondered why Alex didn’t have, for want of a better word, a bodyguard. Not that the woman was particularly scary, with her twinset and pearls and her iPhone at the ready, but still, Alex was an easy target for a nutjob with an obsession.

Alex stopped and allowed the woman to move in closer, her hand stretched out holding the phone as they both smiled at it. It clicked three or four times before Alex tried in vain to move away.

“Just one more?” the woman said, holding onto Alex’s arm like they were old buddies catching up. The smile on Alex’s face waned, and Morgan moved in.

“Sorry, but I really do need to steal her away. We have lunch plans and we’re already late.” Morgan smiled, taking Alex by the hand, and gently peeled away the woman’s grip.

Alex smiled up at Morgan, grateful, before turning to the woman, and the other fans who had gathered. “I really do have to get going.”

As they moved away, instead of releasing her hold, Alex squeezed more tightly, and Morgan just kept walking.

“Thank you,” Alex said, still keeping her head down. “It’s not that I don’t like meeting fans, I just…I’m not good in those situations when I’m not prepared for them. I can feel my heart racing—”

“Do you want to go back to the room, so I can check you out?” Morgan asked quickly once they were out of earshot of anyone else.

That was an offer that Alex was finding more enticing by the minute, and she had to stop herself from answering with a firmyes,followed up withget me nakedandcheck me out.

Finally, Alex looked up at her. “No, I’m fine. I just…once we get to the dining room and I can get a glass of water, I’ll be fine.” Releasing Morgan’s hand, she slid her arm through the crook of her elbow instead and leaned against her, breathing in that sweet citrus and berry aroma of her perfume. “I just need to sit down.”

When they reached the entrance to the dining room, Morgan extracted herself and smiled at the waiter to get his attention.

“We’re meeting—”
