Page 35 of Euphoria

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“Enjoy the hotel and what it has to offer,” Alex said as she was about to climb into the car after Francine. “I hear the hot stone massage is a dream.”

“You don’t want me to come with you?” Morgan asked, puzzled.

Alex licked her lips as her real thoughts ran through her mind. Thoughts that involved Morgan coming with her, but notin the way of travel. She needed some space from her, that was for sure.

“No, I think I’ll be fine, and if I’m not, I can send Mike back for you. It’s only up the road.”

Morgan sighed dramatically. “Alright, I guess I can force myself to enjoy a pampering.” She grinned, and Alex laughed at the playfulness.

“I know you can.” Alex’s eyes lit up at the affirmation. “I’m not sure how long we’ll be, but I’ll see you when I return. Just…” She looked up at the grandeur of the hotel. “I want you to enjoy yourself, relax a little. It’s going to be a long few weeks.”

“Hey, are you coming or what?” Francine shouted from inside the car. “We’ve got sound checks and people greeting, so let’s skedaddle, okay?”

Alex raised her brows. Morgan pressed her lips together to stop the giggle that threatened to erupt. “I’ve had my orders. See you later.”

She finally climbed into the car and turned to look back at Morgan as Mike drove them away, wishing she could shout “stop” and run back to her like a movie scene.

“Why isn’t Morgan coming with us? She’s supposed to be wherever you are,” Francine questioned once they were settled and halfway down the hotel drive.

With Morgan out of sight, Alex turned to Francine. “Because it’s going to be a long few weeks, and I think it will do her some good to relax and actually enjoy this experience. She works hard in her proper job; she deserves to get pampered.” What she didn’t say was that she was finding it difficult to keep herself in check where the delightful Dr Kelly was concerned.

“Uh huh, just so long as she’s ready to go the moment—”

Alex looked away and out of the window. “I’m hoping she’s going to get paid for doing absolutely nothing.”

Francine cracked a smile. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Thinking back to what Morgan had said earlier about Francine not thinking this through, Alex sighed. Maybe she should have thought harder about it too.

Back in her room, Morgan flopped down on the bed.

Lunch usually meant a limp sandwich and a large coffee. She hadn’t eaten that much mid-afternoon since…she blew out her cheeks. She couldn’t remember. It had been delicious though in more ways than just the awesome food, and the very nice wine she’d allowed herself one glass of.

The way Alex had used their ‘signal’ not for her own needs, but to create some kind of boundary between Morgan and this Cecil guy. A shudder ran through her at the thought of him. He creeped her out. But Alex had made it clear, Morgan was not available.

Off limits, that was what Alex had said. But it wasn’t the words that had had the impact, it was the way Alex had looked at her and not him when she’d said it. Along with the firm, warm palm on her knee that hadn’t remained there. She could still feel the caress as it moved up and down her thigh. Reminded how turned on she’d been imagining more, she let her hand move lower, sliding beneath the band of her slacks and underwear.

Finding herself wet, her hips moved involuntarily, needing her touch. She closed her eyes and conjured up theimage of Alex staring at her, the words off-limit playing on a loop. Her fingers splayed herself open, digitus medius pressing against her clit, making her moan out loud.

Her free hand squeezed and caressed her breast as she headed towards an orgasm. “Alex,” she whispered into the air, gasping as she sped up her movements, ligaments tightening as she fell over the edge. She pulled her hand away in shock. Breathing heavily, she considered what it all meant, and the answer was something very, very dangerous.

She sat up quickly, readjusted her clothes, and tried to clear her mind. She needed something to focus on, to go and do something instead of hanging around here. Maybe Alex was right; maybe she needed to relax and let some of this tension go.

There was a phone beside the bed, and she picked up the handset, dialling one for main reception. It barely rang twice before it was answered by an eager-sounding man.

“Hello, The Albany, Mathew speaking, how may I help?”

“Hi Mathew, this is—” She held the phone under her chin and stood up.

“Ms Montgomery’s suite,” he said brightly.

“Yes, that’s right, I wondered if I could book in at the spa this afternoon.”

“Of course, let me just transfer you.”

Soft music came on for less than a minute before the phone was answered again. “Good afternoon, Serenity Haven. Caroline speaking, how can I assist you today?”

Morgan went through the options and was booked in; it was that simple. Anything for Ms Montgomery’s friends.
