Page 66 of Euphoria

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Every seat in the first two rows, at least, was filled with TV personalities, other musicians, singers, and their dates. All were dressed to the nines and chatting amiably to one another.

Morgan felt her mouth dry. She was really not prepared for it all.

“This is Dr Morgan Kelly,” she heard Francine say from behind her.

She spun around and came face to face with the woman who had been the UK’s top morning TV host for the last two decades.

“Angela Sparrow,” Morgan gushed, reaching out a hand. She’d never been so excited and nervous in her life. “So lovely to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Angela’s subtle Irish lilt made the word feel like they were friends already. “I’m so excited for the show, are you?”

So, she asked stupid questions in real life too, Morgan thought and felt her nerves dissipate a little.

“Yes, I am. It's so different listening to her here than at the hotel.”

Angela’s eyes widened and flashed excitedly at the snippet of information. “So, you and Sasha are—”

“You know, I need to introduce you to Cecil,” Francine was saying, half pulling Morgan away from the nosy TV interviewer.

When they were far enough away, Morgan said, “I’ve already met Cecil.”

“I know. I needed a ruse.” Francine leaned in. “You’re green kid, these people will pick you apart for any information and as much as the plan is to keep the press away from the real issue, and use you as a little distraction, any more of that ‘listening to her at the hotel’ malarky and we will have a bigger issue on our hands.”

“I thought you wanted people assuming… You’re worried they’ll write about me, aren’t you?” Morgan sagged.

“Yeah, so…try and keep details minimal. I know it's exciting meeting all these people, and I should probably have thought about it all a little more, but I really didn’t think we’d be doing this and if we had more time, we could have coached you through it, but…” She shrugged. “It is what it is.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, the performance will begin in five minutes. Please make your way back to your seats. The performance will begin in five minutes.”

Chapter Thirty-Five

Every note moved through Morgan in a way that music had never done before. Whether it was because the fingers playing it were ones that she knew so intimately or something more out of body she hadn’t known before, she wasn’t sure, but she felt herself move emotionally with every strike of a key.

Rapt and enamoured with Alex’s talent, she understood just how seductive it was to be allowed into this woman’s interpretation of music. She felt proud to be sitting here in front of the world flaunted asSasha’spartner, knowing that behind closed doors, there was a truth to it that nobody else understood but them.

The music rose and built, telling a story until finally, it crashed down into the crescendo.Sasha’sarms rose high into the air, and the watching audience jumped to their feet clapping with an enthusiasm Morgan had never experienced in her life before.

Morgan found herself swept up in it, her excitement bubbling under the surface, wanting to erupt. Arousal brewed when her eyes met with Alex’s, and she somewhat understood the way euphoria could whip you up into a frenzy.

Up on stage, taking a well-earned bow and enjoying the recognition, Alex took the applause. Morgan could see it, the euphoria. The intensity of it was already pulsing between them.

Arcing like electricity.

Invisible to everyone else in the room.

“What do we do now?” Morgan asked Francine. “Can we go backstage?”

“Sure, you head through. I have to speak to a few more people.”

Alex was still on stage, but Morgan felt the eyes on her as she made her way along the front row and off to the side where she could access the hallway that would lead to Alex’s dressing room and away from prying eyes.

Standing ovations were not going to be over any time soon, though.

As she approached the door, a member of staff stood guard and stopped her entry. “Sorry Miss, can’t go in there.”

Morgan smiled and pulled the ID card from her clutch. “Yes, I can, and I’d appreciate you not allowing anyone else in except for Ms Montgomery.” She winked and moved past him, opening the door with enthusiasm and closing it gently behind her. She leaned back on it and surveyed the room.

The vanity station was still lit up, and the day bed to the side was made and covered in the clothes Alex had arrived in.
