Page 76 of Euphoria

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Morgan laughed at the confidence, because the statement was true, not arrogant.

“I might have a couple—”

“Liar.” Alex grinned and stroked the back of her fingers down Morgan’s cheek. “Anyway, are you allowed to sleep with your patients? Isn’t there some kind of oath about that?”

“Yes, but you’re not my patient.” She let herself be kissed. “Francine insisted I be listed as assistant on anything official.”

“Oh, well that is good,” Alex said, continuing to pepper her lips with small pecks and nips.

“Though I suppose technically I was your doctor for all of five minutes, but then I passed you off to Urquhart, and now I’m just assisting you.” She smiled into the next kiss. “It’s turned out pretty well.”

Alex brushed her lips against Morgan’s hair. “I don’t want to be alone anymore. I’m ready to let someone in—but I should warn you, relationships don’t last for me, I know that—”

Morgan took her face in her hands. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Alex pulled herself upright, still straddled across Morgan’s hips. “You might, when all of this is no longer so new and appealing, when the age gap starts to show, and you feel trapped by the lunacy of it all. Even the money won’t keep you here, not if you have any sense.”

Morgan stared hard at her, pushing herself upright too. “I don’t even notice an age difference. I think we’re quite alike actually, regardless of the fact you’re older than me. I think my life experience with what I deal with at work means I’m much more of a grown-up than people assume.”

“I guess that’s a fair conclusion.”

“And I’m not doing this because you have money to pay for fancy hotels, you know that, right? I could pay for this myself, you know.”

Alex pressed her lips together and tried not to laugh at that idea. “No.” Her head shook slowly. “You couldn’t.”

“Of course I could.”

Alex reached for a grape from the bowl by the side of her bed, and bit into it. “How much do you think one night here costs?”

Morgan shrugged. “I would guess, four, five hundred pounds.”

“And could you afford that?” She plucked another juicy grape and fed it to Morgan.

“I mean, okay, I’d have to save for a couple of months, but I could probably manage it.”

Alex kissed her. “You’re very cute.”

“That’s true,” Morgan agreed.

“It’s eight hundred,” Alex whispered against her ear.

“Holy hell. Per night?” Morgan gasped. Alex laughed at her and nodded. “Fine, I’m fucking you for the money too.” She laughed as she closed the space between them and kissed her. “Oh, one question.”

“Go on.”

“So, that euphoria thing never goes away. It’s always going to occur after a performance?”

Nodding slowly, Alex continued to chuckle. “I’m afraid it does. Can you handle me?”

“I think so.” Morgan blushed. “Tell me more about it.”

Alex thought for a moment. She’d never had this conversation with anyone. Most, if not all, of her after-show fun had been with paid professionals. Once with Laurel, but she’d never talked about it or done it again because they’d broken up soon after.

“Being on stage and playing to an audience, it’s powerful.”

“In what way? How does it feel?”

Alex fell into the space beside Morgan, all thoughts of sex gone for the moment even if Morgan’s curiosity was a turn-on.
