Page 78 of Euphoria

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“There’s a story there, isn’t there?” Alex laughed.

“Hey, just remember I asked if there were any ghosts in the closet.” Francine smiled casually at her.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Morgan reached for the cava and poured a small glass before topping it up with orange juice. “Itwas a date, of sorts. We met on an app, as you do.” She shrugged. “She seemed nice enough, and I thought what the hell. I was young, stupid and adventurous, and looking for validation, so I got a train up—”

“Was she who she said she was?” Francine butted in.

Morgan nodded. “Yes, she was the person in the photos, she just happened to not mention that she had a boyfriend.”

“That would be something you think most people would—” Alex was saying.

“Did you get back on the train and come home?” Francine interrupted before Alex could finish.

Blushing at the memory, Morgan shook her head. “No, she kind of didn’t mention him at all at that point. I just assumed he was a roommate, or something because he didn’t bother us. I slept with her in her bed, he had a room down the hall. It was only when I was leaving and wondering how I could make this work, that she said something about visiting me, and would it be okay if Rory came too.”

Francine’s eyes almost bugged out of her head. “What?”

“I know, I didn’t understand at all. I just assumed he wanted to travel a bit, but I don’t know. Something nudged at me to ask more about him, and she admitted he was her boyfriend. They were looking into open relationships, but Rory wasn’t sure if he could deal with it, so I was kind of a test run, and he’d liked me and seen how happy I’d made her, so...”

“So, he was alright with it carrying on?” Alex chuckled.

“Yes, I guess he was. But it wasn’t for me.” Morgan giggled. “I’m not a sharing kind of person.”

“No, me either. I’m an all-in kind of person,” Alex said, holding her gaze until the sound of Francine snoring quietly broke the spell. “See, I told you she’d be asleep.”

“Is she out for the count?”

Alex nodded. “Yes, that’s it now. Once she sleeps, she sleeps.”

“I can do that at work on night shifts, grab ten minutes here and there between patients, but I’m out of that sleep pattern now.”

“I think she’s on the go all day. Her brain must be on overload, so once the opportunity to sleep arrives, she switches off.”

“I still can’t believe we’re halfway through already?”

Alex sighed. Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, onto Gloucester, then Chester, and Carlisle. It had all been a success so far, and a blur. “Yes. It has flown by, and yet, it feels like we’ve been doing this for much longer.”

“I was thinking that. It’s a good thing, right?”

“I think so,” Alex agreed. Then she grinned. “Exeter will never be the same again.”

“Yes,” Morgan said, remembering back. “Have you always been…kinky?”

“Kinky?” Alex chuckled. “Is that what I am?”

“Well, you’ve opened my eyes to a lot of things.”

Alex narrowed her eyes at her. “I think there have been a few things you’ve certainly taken me by surprise with.” She laughed. “Don’t you dare blush, the things you do to me,” she said wistfully.

“I’ll have to remember that.” Morgan chuckled, still blushing.

Alex turned more serious again. “What have you enjoyed most?”

Morgan fidgeted, the sense of arousal flooding her sex instantly. “God, this for a start, just the way you speak to me. So, confident and firm. I like when you demand more from me. When you put me on my knees or tie my hands.”

“And that’s kinky?”

“I think so.” Morgan nodded. “Don’t you?”
