Page 21 of Their Starlight

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“Thatwouldbe weird,” he chuckled. “Do you need anything?” He asked, becoming more serious as he gently kneaded my lower back over the dimples just above my bum with warming fingertips.

“No, Brent looked after me,” I gestured to the tray with my now empty teacup and other accoutrements.

“Maybe he has a brain tumour or something,” Hayden said, frowning in thought at the tray.

“Don’t say that!” I slapped at his pecs.

“Come on, baby-cakes, you best get me to bed, I’m not sure I can manage on my own.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making me giggle. We ascended the stairs and Hayden planted a quick kiss on my lips before we each retreated to our own rooms.

I laid awake that night knowing that Brent wouldn’t come to me but hoping he would regardless.




I’d never seen Elle so excited, or nervous. She’d had dinner with her parents a couple of times a year since we’d been at university, dreaded it each time, and then came home miserable and/or angry. I’d gathered that she just had nothing in common with them and they’d wished her to be a little more prim and proper. The thought made me snort. Elle was neither, but she was perfect.

“What’s so funny?” Elle was rushing around in a black lace bra and matching panties. She’d never been too worried about modesty and insisted that I’d come to her room to help her choose an outfit. She’d already done her hair, which was currently a rich chestnut brown with two white streaks framing her face. She’d straightened her hair and was wearing minimal makeup, unlike her but I got the feeling it was to appease her parents. Not something she is known for.

“Just enjoying you running around like a headless chicken,” I leaned back on her bed, entwining my fingers behind my head. “You look pretty good doing it too.” I perused her beneath my lashes.

“Oh hush, this is serious.” She pulled two dresses out of the oversized wardrobe I’d ensured she’d have when I bought this house. Pulling both against her, she looked at me in question.

“Sweetheart, I’m flattered you want my opinion, but you know I think you look wonderful in anything. It’s just lunch with your parents, try not to panic.”

She rolled her eyes. “Lance! I mean it. I’ve actually got to ask my parents to fund me for three years of theatre school. I’ve got a recommendation from the head of performing arts here, despite not even being in his faculty, and I cannot squander it. If they say no today, I honestly don’t know what to do. This is what I wantto do with my life, singing is my life and I have a chance at a huge boost in that direction. I need them to take me seriously and apparently I don’t know how to dress seriously, so please help me.” She shook the dresses to emphasise her point.

I smiled at her; she was so fucking cute when she was stressed, it didn’t happen often. I pointed to a sage green dress, it had thick straps and seemed longer than the purple one she was also holding. More conservative equals more serious, right? Also, it reminded me of Hayden and I weirdly wanted to see it on her. She smiled in thanks and slid the thing up her body, turning to face the mirror. There was a zipper at the back and I immediately jumped to do it up for her, any excuse to get close.

I stood behind her, too close. Her eyes watched me from the mirror, but I kept my own on my hand as I gripped the zip and slowly pulled it up her back, scraping my knuckle along her soft skin as I did. Once she was fully in her dress, I stroked my hands gently up and down her arms then planted a soft kiss on her shoulder where it curved into her neck.

“Stop worrying, your parents will see what this means and they’ll help. If they don’t, you’ll find another way. You are strong.”Kiss. “Smart.”Kiss. “And the most incredibly talented person I know. You’ll get there, sweetheart.”

She turned to face me, tears coating her stormy eyes and her bottom lip worrying between her teeth. “Really?”

“Yes, Elle.” I smiled, taking her face in my hands. I planned on planting a kiss on her forehead, but she tilted her chin and pressed her lips to mine. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to my body so I could get my fill of her soft warmth. She moved her lips, over mine, planting several soft kisses until my patience crumbled and I swept my tongue into her ready mouth. Elle tasted sweet and I could only imagine how good she would taste elsewhere. Her delicate hands gripped at my t-shirt, and I couldn’t help but smooth my own hands down her back to grip her arse and hold her steady so I could grind my hips into hers.

I kissed her in every way I’d been imagining over the last three years. I worshipped her how I could without taking this further and she responded in kind. Small whimpers left her throat, her hands slid into my hair, and she bit down on mybottom lip. I was hard and if I didn’t end this, she was never making it to lunch. I broke away and we were both panting. Luckily she hadn’t applied her lipstick yet so her makeup was unaffected.

“I…uh…” she gaped as though she couldn’t quite believe what we’d done. A line had been crossed, that was for sure, but there wasn’t a chance in Hell that I’d be going back. One little taste and I was hooked.

I bent to kiss her gently again. “We’ll talk when you get home.”

She nodded and continued getting ready.

I was sat on the sofa a few hours later, reading in silence as I had a rare moment completely alone. Hayden had persuaded Brent to go shopping as he needed something smart for graduation in a couple of weeks’ time. I wished that I could be engrossed in the story in front of me, but my mind was still in that kiss. I still had her taste on my lips, and my heart was still pounding. Elle was more than a girl I craved, she was more than a friend and she was more than a conquest. She was my future, I was certain. I’d liked her from the moment I’d met her and I hadn’t even hidden it, everyone knew. But did they know that I loved her? I had known for two years and with all the best intentions I had kept my distance. I hadn’t rocked the boat but now with graduation looming and the threat of having to go back to my reality, I realised that I didn’t want to leave without her. I would tell her the truth, tell her who I was and hope that she understood and would take me, warts and all.

I don’t think Brent would be too happy but even he’d warmed to her enough to say he tolerated her, surely he’d understand. Afterall, Brent was the one who believed in love. He hid it well but Brent was traditional in his ideals of love, I guess that’s what happens when you grow up with parents who adored each other and a large family who offered nothing but love and support. Hedoesn’t talk about his family to anyone but me. I’ve never met them, but I hoped one day that I would.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the front door slamming open and then closed. Elle walked in, muttering angrily, eyes red and puffy. I stood, immediately concerned, but she walked past me and stomped up the stairs. Of course, I followed. By the time I was in her doorway she was face down on her bed. I climbed up next to her, lying on my side and stroked her back.


“It was a flat-out no. They didn’t even listen to me.” Her voice was muffled by her bedding, but I could still hear her tears and I wanted desperately to fix them. “Oh, and the only reason they wanted to have lunch with me was to tell me they’d be out of the country for graduation.”Fuckers. They won’t even be there to watch their only daughter graduate? I mean, my parents won’t be there but I wouldn’t want Dad there and he’d never let my mother come alone. “Dad says that once I move back home, I have to start a job at his company. Said I could be his secretary as the position has just become available.”

She turned her head so she was looking at me and sniffed. She was so pretty, even when she cried. Pink blotched at her skin and her eyes were glassy, the colour of cloudy skies. I could only stroke her hair and kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry, Elle.”
