Page 55 of Make You Keep Me

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I see Monroe’s girlfriend sitting front row and center, surrounded by a big crowd.

Some of you may not know this, but she’s a fighter as well. From the small amount they’ve shared about themselves, they grew up neighbors, with her in the foster home next door. They both got into MMA as an outlet and look how that turned out.

Commentator 1: I’m getting rags to riches vibes, and I’m here for it.

Commentator 2: Me too.

With Lennox competing in his first title fight tonight and Emerson, “The Siren,” as some call her, taking names right now in the Carolinas, I think there is a lot more in store for these two.

Commentator 1: She’s undefeated right now, correct??

Commentator 2: Yes… she has to be close to a deal of her own. I wouldn’t be surprised if, within the year, we weren’t sitting here talking about her.

Commentator 1: The lights are dimming… Let’s get this thing started.

* * *

Commentator 1: Holy Shit! He just knocked him out. Lennox Monroe just knocked out Buzz Valdez.

Commentator 2: That was insane.

Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, Lennox Monroe, the undisputed UFC Welterweight Champion of the world.

Commentator 1: Two minutes into the final round. I honestly thought we were going to a judge’s decision after the fifth round. What a freaking fight!

Commentator 2: This is exactly the type of fight you crave as an MMA fan. This would’ve been a tough battle to judge because both fighters brought everything they had into that octagon tonight, but Lennox Monroe proved himself and made sure there was no question about who the winner was.

Commentator 1: Again, ladies and gentlemen, winner by knockout at just over two minutes into round two, taking home the Welterweight title is Lennox Monroe of North Carolina! Remember that name, because you are going to be seeing a lot more of him.

* * *


My body vibrates with the cheers of the crowd as I stand there in a complete daze.

He won… He won! Nox is the new UFC Welterweight Champion.

Frankie grabs onto my shoulders and screams in delight as we jump up and down in celebration. Greyson’s and Lottie’s cheers pierce through the air as Ford and Lucian chant his name. Smith might be the loudest out of our group, and I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous he sounds. Grabbing onto Colton, I hug him tightly. “He fucking did it!” he screams over the crowd. Isla joins in on our group hug, her eyes tearing up as she smiles wide.

I'm surrounded by everyone we love, and the overwhelming excitement radiating off them has tears of joy streaming down my face. I peer up at the sky box where I know Jade, Willow, and Kiran sit, and even though I can't see their faces, I know they are celebrating Nox’s success right along with us.

We look up to the ring where Nox stands with a belt around his waist and hands up in victory. He spins around to the adoring fans chanting his name, his sweaty body showcasing his hot as fuck siren tattoo. I smile, knowing that he always has a piece of me with him.

Gunnar and Joey jump up from their corner seats and meet Nox in an embrace over the cage. A few of the guys Cliff hired to assist with Nox are right behind them, celebrating the big win.

His eyes dodge all the commotion in the octagon, searching out the front row. They lock onto mine, and when I mouth,I love you, he says it right back.I'm so proud of you,I say again, and his eyes sparkle with emotion I can feel every ounce of.

Moments later, I'm allowed up to the octagon, and I practically knock Nox over when I finally reach him. Cupping his cheeks, I smash my mouth onto his. His arms lock around my middle as he lifts me and twirls. The crowd chants his name, and you can feel the electricity over his win throughout the arena. I never thought I’d be one of those girls, but his hold on me and the amount of attention we’re receiving have me giddy and giggling.

To say the after-party celebration is absolutely insane is an understatement. We’re partying our asses off, not only for his kick-ass performance, but for my twenty-first birthday. We opted for a bar scene as opposed to the sexy burlesque club Colton was begging to check out.

I'm wrapped up in Nox’s arms like I have been since we got here. He’s been nothing but a tease tonight, desperate to work off the excess adrenaline he has coursing through his body. But we’re trying our hardest to last as long as possible with our friends. Knowing Isla has Kiran and Willow sleeping in her hotel room ensures I'll at least have all night to worship the man in front of me, bandages and all.

We make our way back to the VIP booth Cliff secured, where everyone has been floating in and out all night. Ford is pouring a round of shots as our group circles around him. Jade may be avoiding him, but the vultures hovering just outside of our section sure aren’t.

Emotions overtake me again as I look at all the smiling faces surrounding us.Ourfamily,ourpeople. The ones who have been there since the beginning and will be there till the end.

I feel Nox’s breath on my neck, and I lean into him. “I can’t wait to rip this dress off your body and devour you,” he practically growls, and I shiver.

“We need to last a little bit longer. I feel like we just got here,” I say, looking around at all the people who traveled here to support him.

“I’ll stay as long as you want, Mama. But just know, you’re mine when we get back to the room.” I look into his green eyes full of sexy promises, gently wiping my thumb over his eyebrow. He has a small gash beside the old scar from all those years ago. My heart thuds at the reminder of that teenage boy and the scars he’s overcome since then…and all the ones he’s helped me overcome as well.

“Always,” I whisper and find his lips waiting for mine over my shoulder, as his strong hands pull me closer.

This is exactly what I need, forever and always.

The End
