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The Compere Coven in Philadelphia was no more, although they tried to survive the degradation of their Master, and his followers made it impossible. The damage was too deep and shameful to ever be forgotten; it left a mark on everyone, and in the end, the membership and associations could not be saved.

Enzo Blackstock was one of the first to leave after seeing his friend murdered by their Master, who then attempted to kill him and several members of the Hadden Coven as he tried to rein in the power of the darkest among us. Compere had struck a deal with one of the most horrid creatures of the underworld, and for all the death and destruction he spread, the only thing he secured in the end was his own death.

Enzo petitioned the Hadden Coven for membership, and with the help of Noori, a Commander in the Hadden Coven, he secured a place and position under Master Nikolas Hadden. He and Noori had fought side by side against Compere and the sorcerer and forged a friendship that day that remained honest and steadfast.

He worked under Noori for the first few years, patrolling the streets of Pittsburgh, flushing out all remnants of the dark one's influence in the city, and putting a stop to the growing threat of magics. Noori's beloved Marek, a Cyprian Knight, was an expert at sniffing out the occult and had the ability to destroy dark energy. Along with his First, Thayer, also a Cyprian Knight, who came to this realm with him, they managed to put serious harm on the communities of occult and witchcraft.

Master Hadden's goal was to completely flush out the dark negativity of the magics from the city and the surrounding area. Pittsburgh was in the grip of some of the darkest players, but with time and diligence, the Master had beat back the dark energy and restored light and joy to this city, his city. The threat of magics, the kindred, sorcerers, and the occult were still a concern, but Noori's team and the Cyprians continued to patrol, preventing any faction from developing a foothold in the city.

A year ago, Enzo decided to take a step back from the supernatural and applied to join the team working at the capital in Harrisburg. He wanted the opportunity to learn the process and mechanism for dealing with the politics that surrounded the business and interests of the Hadden Coven.

It was complex, fast-paced, and most often infuriating, but he loved it. Getting away from the magics and the memories of destruction did him good. He sometimes was bombarded by thoughts of his old Master and his descent into pure madness, but over the years, they had lessened, and the pain had muted.

He stayed away from Philadelphia for the most part, not wanting to meet any former coven members who happened to remain in the area or be reminded of his previous life. He was a member of the Hadden Coven and proud of it, and that's where he kept his thoughts and his loyalty.


Enzo Blackstock was tasked by his leader, Dmitry Duskin, with preparing and presenting the quarterly report to Master Hadden at the Hadden Center. Dmitry had been handling the Master's business in the State House for decades now, and Enzo could not have asked for a better teacher when it came to people handling and negotiation. He hadn't been back to Pittsburgh since last summer, having gotten caught up in the land deal surrounding the old monastery in downtown Pittsburgh.

Master Hadden purchased the property, which was substantial, with the intention of turning the area into a lovely park. The city fathers did not want to give up the prime real estate to be used as a park, and it took a fair amount of deal-making on the state level to bring the project about. Master Hadden always got what he wanted, and he wanted that land purified and protected. The land could not be touched or used for anything other than a park for public use for the next one hundred years.

Enzo had just gotten out of his car in the basement garage when Commander Noori called out to him. "Enzo, I heard you were going to be paying us a visit." He commented with a smile as he approached him. "How long are you staying?" Enzo gave him a quick side hug, and then they started toward the elevator.

"I'm here for the week." He said as the elevator doors closed, he hit the button for the 22ndfloor, and Noori hit the 24thfloor. Enzo was staying in one of the guest suites, whereas Noori and his beloved resided on the upper floor that afforded larger quarters.

The accommodation provided at the Hadden Coven was absolutely regal in design and left his apartment in Harrisburg decidedly wanting, but he preferred his assignment in Harrisburg. He found it to be satisfying and very much removed from the terrors of the Compere Coven and the magics that were forever finding their way into Pittsburgh.

"Have dinner with me tonight." Noori posed and then added. "Marek and Thayer are training some new recruits and have taken them to a nether realm for special training. They will be gone for a few days and are out of range for contact, so I've been feeling a little lonesome. Thayer took his beloved with him, but I have responsibilities here."

"I'd love to join you for dinner," Enzo responded, eager to spend some time with his good friend. "Are you still having issues with the magics?" He wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Having been away from the influence and threat of magics for the past while had been refreshing, but they were a real problem in Pittsburgh, and he needed to stay informed.

"Witchcraft has sprung up in a few areas, mostly the lowlands. It isn't of great concern, but as you know, if you don't deal with it, they get stronger, and soon enough, you're dealing with hard-core magics and sorcerers. It always grows if given even the slightest footing." Noori was one of the best on the street, putting these people down, but Enzo could see a hint of frustration edging his words.

"The Master still seethes over the fact that he had a magic living and working here at the Center. He trusted Nathan, and his betrayal cut deep."

"I never knew Nathan, but I heard he had been well regarded, and the news that he had become one of the dark ones was quite traumatic for the entire coven." Enzo felt for those who had given him their trust. "Having him get away and not face consequences must be difficult for everyone."

"He did a lot of damage before he was discovered, and it has taken a long time to rectify, but there are good people here, and Master Hadden is dedicated to our complete recovery. No magic will ever get the best of the Hadden Coven." Noori swore, and Enzo agreed wholeheartedly.

Foster Rhodes was a new hire at the Sienna Restaurant located in the Hadden Center. It was expensive and somewhat exclusive, catering to business types and elites within the city. Foster had several years of restaurant experience, having worked at several locations around Pittsburgh. The Sienna was a goal of his after hearing about the pay level and the tip opportunities from a friend who had worked there in the past.

He started a week ago, and so far, it was everything he'd expected. The staff was skilled and professional, the food was excellent, and the clientele was select. At twenty-three years old, Foster felt that his life was on track. He had a decent savings account and had recently started investing.

Foster grew up in care homes, having been orphaned at the age of four when his parents were killed in a plane crash. There were no relatives or people able to take over his care, so he was placed with the state. He had no complaints, though, because all his placements had been good.

His caregivers were decent, honorable people who taught him how to live and how to take care of himself. At eighteen, he inherited the trust left to him by his parents. It wasn't a lot, but it helped him get started living life on his own. He had a small apartment and a car, and now that he had the job at the Sienna, he would consider taking some classes at the community college. A two-year degree in business or finance might open more doors for him in the future. It was a starting point, at least.

Foster was working till close tonight, which would give him the opportunity to learn prep, clean up, and closing of the restaurant. He helped clear the glassware from the bar and remembered the man he had seen seated there earlier in the evening. It was just a quick glimpse, but he left an impression.

Foster had never felt such instant lust and overwhelming desire as he did when the man turned, and he got a good look at his face. He was built like a brick wall and had the face of a handsome warrior, attractive but also dark, calculating, and cunning. He was a man that no one ever fucked with, and he always got what he wanted.

He was Foster's dream man, and he was seated not more than ten feet from him. Foster toyed with the idea of making an excuse to get closer, but he was called by Lenard, one of the bartenders, to bring out more glasses, and by the time he returned, the gorgeous man had gone.

It was nine o'clock, and they were closing early tonight to perform some specific repairs in the kitchen. The restaurant was usually open until eleven. He helped sanitize the tables and chairs and was asked to clean the bathrooms and take out the trash.

"Tomorrow night, you can assist with the kitchen cleanup." Charles, the manager, told him. "On your first night shift, you always pull the bathrooms, but after that, we take turns." Foster had no problem cleaning the bathrooms as long as he had gloves. Foster smiled and headed to the men's room first since, based on experience, they tended to need more cleaning than the ladies' room.
