Page 25 of Personal Research

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Still, he didn't go where he longed to most. Instead, he licked the crease of her leg, so close to promiseland her delicate curls teased his cheek. “I don't want to force something on you that you don’t want.”

“You’re not.” He could hear the catch in her breath, that small hitch that meant she was about to tumble right where he wanted her. She moaned as the thumb on her clit moved in tight circles and his fingers stretched her. He didn't slide them in and out, just bore down until they were crammed in deep. “What did I ever do to you?” she whimpered, making him laugh.

You made me fall for you.

He swallowed and concentrated on her face, just her face, until the concerns crowding his mind dissolved. “I really like doing this.” Testingly, he arrowed his tongue along her pouty lower lips, slipping his thumb aside so he could see her glistening clit. His dick gave one painful lurch. “But I won't unless you really like it too.”

Though it nearly killed him, he drew his hand away and rose to unbuckle his pants. He’d just freed his aching cock from his boxers—thank God—when she grabbed his hand and squeezed. “Enzo, wait. I…” She stopped and released a shaky breath. “Remember Dr. Donnelly? My doctor? I mentioned her to you.”

He furrowed his brow as he tried to place the name. “Your gyno in Utah?” he said after a moment. When he’d commented on the way she’d slid on the condom one night, she’d explained the lessons her doctor had given her during one of their appointments. Apparently her ob/gyn had wanted her young patients’ sexual education to be complete. He hadn’t particularly enjoyed hearing about speculums and stirrups—Elena wasn’t one to skimp on details—but he couldn’t deny enjoying her efficient touch.

“Yes.” She worried his knuckles as she stared up at him, though he doubted she knew she was doing it. “She kinda contributed to my?—”

“Hang-up?” he supplied.

She frowned and nodded. “Yeah. I asked her once if guys minded, you know, going down on a woman.”

As if she’d know.

But he didn’t voice his opinion aloud. He also didn’t mention her reluctance to use the explicit terms she wrote in her books every day. One thing at a time. “And?”

“She told me most of them hated it.” Elena held up a hand before he could speak. “I knew in my head that probably wasn’t true. She wasn’t a guy, so how could she be sure? But then I made the mistake of asking my mother?—”

He choked. If he wasn’t mistaken, his impressive erection even shriveled slightly. “Babe, my family’s open and even we don’t go there. Oral sex and your parents? Isn’t that written somewhere in the parental thou-shalt-nots?”

To his relief, she laughed. “I was sixteen and didn’t have many girlfriends to ask. I played it off as if it was something I’d seen on TV, but she knew. She grounded me for two weeks, after she told me a man wouldn’t respect any woman who allowed him such liberties with her most private area.”

“She’s your mom. What did you expect?”

“Good point. But anyway, I never got into it, not that many of my dates ever begged for the honor.” She grinned. ”So I made up for it by making all the heroes in my stories love oral.”

“Which means you’re afraid to ask for what you need.”

She tilted her head, her grin faltering. “Hard to ask for what you’ve never been able to relax enough to enjoy.”

“Bella, come out to play.” He kissed her knuckles. “With me.”

When she nodded, he knelt between her legs and wrapped his fingers around the ankle of the calf still draped over one arm of the chair. She might not realize it, but that she felt so comfortable talking to him in that pose proved she didn’t have nearly as many hang-ups as she feared.

“Trust me,” he murmured.

Her throat rippled as she swallowed. “I do.”

He cupped her hips and bent his head, slipping his tongue between her swollen lower lips, licking her from her top to bottom. She shifted restlessly on the seat, giving him more access.

His heart—and the rest of him, especially his newly raging erection—rejoiced.

The taste of her warm heat filled his mouth until he was suffused with her. As he lapped at her clit, he felt her brace, but then she started to stroke the nape of his neck, goading him on with butterfly flicks of her fingers. He swirled his tongue in and out of her slit, mouth-fucking her as gently as the rain that streamed down the office window.

“Tell me when you’re about to come,” he rumbled against her wet flesh, not trusting himself to be cued into her enough to know the precise moment. He was too swept away, too needy.

He almost reached for the vibe, but before he could, she reached down and spread herself wide open so he could savor every millimeter of her pussy.

She didn’t want the toy. She wanted him.

His heart tripped as he registered the look of absolute bliss on her face, then he abandoned himself to his task. It wasn't difficult. Her pulsing clit rose against his lips, cherry red and succulent. He rubbed back and forth as his fingers delved deep. That he knew how much it cost her to relax this fully only made the experience sweeter.

Her back bowed and she yanked on his hair, thinning his control even further. “God, Enzo, I’m going to?—”
