Page 32 of Personal Research

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“How did you know I had a signing? Did you fly here from Chicago? Oh my gosh. Let me give you a hug.” Elena scrambled up and circled the table, drawing the taller woman into a hug that was surprisingly vigorous. The other woman seemed a little reluctant but not Elena. She owed her so much for helping her with her indie books at a rate she could afford. “You’ve been such a blessing to me. I probably wouldn’t have sold without your extra polish for Sven and Rina?—”

“Oh, no, that was all you. I didn’t do much. And I don’t live in Chicago.”

“You don’t? But your invoices from BookDoctor list a Chicago address.”

“Chicago is where my business partner, Magnus, lives. I live here. Just a few blocks away actually. Surprise!” Kitty pulled back with a sheepish grin. “Sorry I didn’t confess sooner. I’m, um, not the biggest socializer though I’m getting better at that.” She rushed ahead. “I know you live right in town too. So cool your first big book signing is local. That’s a total score.”

“Bigbook signing?” Elena bit her lip again. Still no one had approached but Kitty and the official start time was very soon. “Since you’re the only one who has come to my table, I’m going to saybigis a relative term.”

“Just you wait. You already have a lookie-loo.” She jerked a shoulder toward a tall, dark-haired man lurking nearby in the local interest section. He had a deep tan from the recent two-week Italian vacation that he’d booked for them, since they had been dating a whole year now. Elena had secretly been hoping he might pop the question on the beach near his parents’ home in Tuscany, but no such luck.

Still, Elena had no complaints. They were practically living together as they had been for months and they were blissfully happy.

Marriage would happen or it wouldn’t, but Elena wassoin love with Enzo. She even loved his parents and he liked hers too. A damn miracle considering how…uptight they were. They were on the stodgier, overly traditional side, and even Elena’s writing scorching romance had been a shock to them at first.

Of course, the royalty checks she’d been cashing lately had made it go down much easier in their mind.

“My favorite lookie loo,” she said a little mistily as Enzo came closer to give her an encouraging hug. He’d probably noticed the worry creasing her forehead. He always seemed to immediately pick up on her moods.

“Oh, is that so? I know how that is,” Kitty said, craning to look over her shoulder. She smiled at Enzo as he strode closer, but she kept stretching her neck to peer all over as if she was expecting to see someone else.

Definitely not other readers because everyone was passing by the table. Not that there were that many people in the store to begin with.

Note to self: never do a book signing on a Tuesday afternoon. If I’m ever even asked again to do one.

“You do? Are you seeing someone?”

She flushed clear up to her hairline as a tall, broad-shouldered man in a deep blue fisherman’s sweater emerged from the pets aisle with his arms laden with books. “Hey, babe, I found one on cerebellar hyperplasia so you could read up on Charise—” He glanced up and fell silent upon noticing my table. “Oh, a book signing. How cool. Sorry to interrupt.”

Enzo swept around the table to circle his arm around Elena’s shoulders. “Interrupt away. Better yet, buy a book and get it signed from this awesome author.”

Before Elena could do anything but grin, he bent her backward to plant a kiss on her. She let out a squeak, but she so did not object.

How could she? The man was sin incarnate, and it wasn’t as if she had to beat the readers off with sticks.

So far, the most commotion had been from Kitty and her male friend, whomever he was.

“I’m going to buy a book,” Kitty announced. “I want it personalized to my favorite editor ever, even if I’m not. I can’t wait to put it on a place of honor on my shelves at home.”

“Moving soon,” the dark-haired man now at her side commented. “But don’t worry, I’ve already planned on what shelves we’ll get for the library. Well, if you like them. But they seem pretty ideal from reviews.”

“Always my favorite researcher.” She poked him in the side, and he kissed the top of her hair in a way that indicated possession.

Elena let out a loud sigh even as her lips still hummed from Enzo’s kiss. They were clearly moving in together, but in a way that indicated they were building a home. A life. Maybe even getting married.

“Bella,” Enzo said urgently in an undertone as she grabbed the copy of Swells of Love that Kitty thrust at her. “I need to ask you something. I was going to wait, maybe even do it later, but hell, timing is everything, right?”

“Sure. Just give me a second.” She didn’t add that she needed to make her one reader happy, but it was a close thing.

Elena wrote a personal note to Kitty then signed her name with a flourish and a big heart. “Youaremy favorite editor,” she informed her, sliding the book back her way. “You can’t ever get too busy for me. Promise me.”

Kitty read the inscription then held the book to her chest with a sigh. “Hot vet, this is the book with Rina and Sven. She sold so many ebooks, a traditional publisher took her on for print books. Isn’t that wonderful?”

The guy’s eyebrows climbed. “Rina and Sven? No way. That book was so educational. I mean, as far as romances go. Not that they taught me anything I didn’t already know.”

“Some we didn’t already do though. But they helped us on that score. Especially when Sven did her from behind over the kitchen counter…” Kitty trailed off as an elderly couple stepped closer. “Oops. Was I too loud?”

“No, dear, I’m glad you got our attention. Well, now, what is this book about?” The elderly woman nudged her husband at her side. “Freddie, you better buy me a copy of this one so I can get it signed.”
