Page 33 of Personal Research

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Freddie put on a pair of glasses from his shirt pocket and peered dubiously at the cover. “Do you even know this author?Swells of Love?What the actual hell?”

Caught between mortification and amusement, Elena cleared her throat. “It’s about a couple who becomes closer through…”

When she trailed off, Kitty stepped forward. “Really good intercourse.”

Her guy echoed, “Damn good.”

When Enzo opened his mouth to likely chime in, Elena gripped his hand, hard. “What did you have to ask?”

He compressed his lips into a firm line. “Not sure now is the time.”

Freddie and his wife were quietly squabbling about why she needed this book, so Elena figured now was the best time for a distraction.Anykind of distraction. “I actually think it’s a great time,” she said more than a little desperately as Kitty started to talk again, probably about really good intercourse.

Heaven help us all.

“Okay. Remember you asked for it.” Enzo cleared his throat, patting his trouser pocket before he dropped down to one knee. “Elena Thomson, will you be my wife?”

Elena stared at him. Her eyes filled with tears as someone gasped. Several someone’s gasped. “Really? You’re sure?”

“I’m proposing. I’m sure.” He tugged out the ring box from his pocket and popped it open to reveal a stunning ruby and diamond ring. Rubies were only Elena’s favorite gemstone. “Will you marry me? Say yes before the whole store comes to gawk at me,” he added out of the side of his mouth.

He wasn’t lying. Now a crowd was forming. Best of all, the couple at the front of the crowd was a notable local one made up of a jewelry designer, Presley Warren, who was becoming more famous by the day and her millionaire boyfriend Vance O’Neal.

Not boyfriend anymore, Elena realized dazedly. She’d just read about them getting engaged recently in the morning paper.

Thatmorning’s paper, in fact.

“I designed that ring,” Presley announced over the growing murmurs from the crowd while they waited for Elena’s reply. “If you look close, the spokes cradling the ring are?—”

“Pencils,” Elena said, snatching the ring from the box to hold it up to the light. “Oh, my God, a Warren original ring. Enzo, I can’t believe this.”

“Me neither. Never thought this would take so long.” He heaved out a sigh followed by a good-natured grin. “But leave it to my girl to be entirely unique.”

“I love you. Of course I’ll marry you. Yes. So many times yes.” She knelt to throw herself into his arms, nearly knocking both of them to the floor in her enthusiasm.

Cheers erupted around them as Enzo fitted the ring on her finger and he kissed her deeply. Then he broke off and whispered, “Bella, look.”

She lifted her head, her mind more than a little fuzzy, to see a line not only stretching in front of her table but now wrapping around the front of the store. She started to grin. “Holy shit. Now this is a signing.” She framed his face in her hands. “Do you know how much I love you?”

He grinned back. “I knew a Warren original would sway the odds in my favor.”

“Now if I can get her to design her own wedding ring…” Vance commented, nudging Presley as she started to laugh.

“Pretty sure that is violating tradition.” She gave Vance a light shove. “As is not asking someone to marry you without a ring.”

“Yet you still said yes.”

“I did. And I would all over again.” Then they were kissing and everyone in line seemed to collectivelyoohandaah.

“We just got engaged too,” Kitty’s fiancé announced. “And we’re having a baby. A little fast but considering the, uh, unusual way we met, it’s right on target. Rent a pussy anyone?” he added in a slightly softer voice against his fiancee’s ear.

Kitty flushed, looking as if she was hoping she could disappear into the floor.

“Now that sounds like a story,” Elena murmured. “Wow, huge congratulations! Please still edit my books. I’ll pay extra.”

More laughter erupted around them.

“The way you met can’t be any more unusual than ours,” Presley offered after finally disentangling from Vance.
