Page 34 of Personal Research

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“Oh, don’t be so sure.” Kitty took a big bolstering breath, her flush subsiding somewhat. “Ours is worthy of Sven and Rina. The hero and heroine in Elena’s book.” She gestured. “Sorry, E. L.”

Elena shrugged. “Close enough. So you’re still going to edit my books, right?”

Kitty laughed, her rigid posture loosening. “Yes, I will. I’m still editing, and Magnus is still formatting books as his part of our company BookDoctor. Dammit, I should’ve brought business cards to hand out,” she added, taking in the rapidly growing line.

Where had all of those people even come from? There were two entrances but jeez, that was a lot of people.

“Congratulations all around,” Freddie said loudly. “We did not just get engaged, and we arenothaving a baby, and no clue what’s up with the rental thing, but apparently my wife wants this sex book, so let’s get this show on the road.”

While everyone laughed and cheered, Elena moved back from Enzo and rose to her feet. “Okay, I’m ready. Who wants a signed book?”

As many voices rose in affirmation, she shot her husband-to-be a grateful smile before she mouthed, “thank you.”

Not only had her book basically contributed to her meeting Enzo at her workplace in the first place, now he had helped to make her first book signing a rousing success.

Next up would come the rest of their lives—and that could only be a blockbuster too.

Fingers crossed.

Wondering just what that rent-a-pussy comment meant? Turn the page for a sneak peek at Elena’s editor’s happily ever after with her hot vet.

And if you want more shenanigans check out Presley & Vance’s story. Turn that page! We dare you.

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