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“Seven?” Emma shrieks. She rolls her eyes. “God, I can’t imagine just casually buying a house with seven bedrooms.”

I laugh. “It just means we get to reap the benefits of our best friend marrying rich.”

Both Emma and Margolook at me with narrowed eyes. Emma’s the one to actually speak up. “Okay, don’t pretend you’re modest. I’m sure your family has a house here somewhere with fifteen bedrooms. You were born with money and married rich. Way to go, Winnie Boo Boo.”

I roll my eyes at the terrible nickname that was drunkenly given to me. I’m busy cringing at Emma still using it to this day when Archer comes to a stop in front of us.

“Winnie Boo Boo?” he says with a smirk.

Emma looks at me with a satisfied smile. “Isn’t it cute?” She taps my nose as if I’m a child. “It’s something we called her in college, and it’s just stuck.”

“It’s terrible,” I argue, trying to take my bag from Archer, but he doesn’t let go.

“I agree,” Archer begins. “It’sverycute, Winnie Boo Boo.”

I elbow him in the stomach, glaring at Emma for even telling him about the nickname. “It’s so cute we should never mention it again. Sound good?”

Margo laughs, sliding out from our grasp to follow Beck toward the house. “Okay, everyone. It’s time to see the house!” She claps as if she can hardly contain her excitement.

We follow her in. It’s hard not to marvel at how gorgeous the house is. The Hamptons is actually somewhere I haven’t visited much. My dad didn’t enjoy it, so I only came as a teenager and adult when there were parties here. I forgot how much I liked it here. It’s classy and quiet and has this sophisticated feel to it.

“Holy shit, Margo,” Emma exclaims, stopping in front of me once we walk through the front doors, almost making me walk right into her. “This place is huge!”

“It’s stunning,” I agree, my eyes looking around the first floor. It feels cozier than you’d expect for a house that has seven bedrooms. But it’s decorated beautifully. It’s got a coastal theme mixed with some modern accents that really make the place feel homey despite the size.

All of us stand in the entryway, our eyes taking in the place. I’m the first one to break the silence when I spot a giant paintingabove the mantel. “Oh my god, is this yours?” I ask Margo, crossing the space to get closer to the giant canvas. “It’s breathtaking.”

“Isn’t it magnificent?” Beck asks. I look at him, finding him staring at his wife with so much love and adoration.

Margo comes to a stop next to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her cheek against his chest. “Stop feeding me compliments. It’ll go to my head.”

Emma plops down on the couch, giving herself a perfect view of the painting we’re talking about. “Damn, Mar. That might be my favorite of yours yet. Is that the view outside?”

We all focus on the swirling colors of blues and tans. It’s got to be the house mixed in with the view of the ocean, but it’s done in a way where you don’t know which side to focus on. One side of it looks like the rich colors of the beach in summer, the other in the dead of winter.

“Yeah. I painted it after we first looked at the house. We didn’t know if we wanted to be here or not,” Margo explains.

“She’d barely started this piece before I already had an offer on this house. It felt like fate,” Beck adds.

Margo rolls her eyes. “Nothing is fate with you, Beck. You just go after what you want without asking any questions.”

He pulls her closer to him. “Worked with you, didn’t it?”

I smile at how cute they are, looking away to find Archer’s eyes trained on me. There’s a look on his face I can’t quite read, but it’s one that I can’t get out of my head, even as Margo continues to show us the rest of the house.

Emma’s already picked out her room on the other side of the house when Margo leads us down a narrow hallway. It’s off the main side of the house but isn’t too far from the large living area. I thought this would house the master bedroom, but that has almost an entire wing to itself on the opposite side of the house.

“I hope you like this one,” Margo tells us with a bashful smile. She opens a door with a brass doorknob, escorting us into a room much larger than I was expecting. “For some reason, thisroom reminded me of you, Win,” Margo explains, looking around the room that has a very vintage vibe. The comforter on the bed reminds me of one I had as a child with its horses and scalloped edges.

I laugh, marveling at how pretty the room is. “This looks perfect,” I assure her.

She giddily claps her hands together, pointing to a desk at the far side of the room. It’s pushed up against a large floor-to-ceiling window that looks over the water. “I wanted you to have a desk and a view in case, you know, inspiration strikes. There’s still so much of this place I need to decorate…” She winks at me, which makes me blush as I feel Archer’s eyes hot against my skin.

“You’ve done a great job,” I tell her, looking at how beautifully decorated the room is. It seems like she’s done different themes for the different rooms, and I like that. It brings character to each unique space. “I don’t know if you need my help.”

She rolls her eyes, running her hand along a folded quilt at the end of the bed. “I’d still love your opinion on things. The room Camden and Pippa will be staying in seems boring to me. And don’t even get me started on the pool house once the renovations are over.”

I nod, laughing at her. We used to go to flea markets together while in college to give us something to do on the weekends. She always told me one day I’d have to help her decorate a house. Turns out, she has multiple houses to decorate, but I still don’t think she needs my help. “Shopping trip soon?” I ask her, already looking forward to it. Margo and I haven’t spent much time together since she got married, but I’d love a day with her soon. We’ll ask Emma, but she always tells us no and uses her typical excuse that after having to grow up with hand-me-down clothes and used furniture, she doesn’t enjoy buying other people’s unwanted items now.
