Page 36 of Brazen

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“So if you hit thirty without having all of those things, you must be a loser?” I ask. “I’m thirty-four and don’t have any of those things. Maybe someday, but not yet. Does that make me a loser?”

“No,” she says quickly. “I didn’t mean you. I bet you did all kinds of crazy things when you were younger. Not me. I studied and then worked. That’s it.” Suddenly, all of her antics are starting to make more sense to me.

“And you believe that if you do all of these things, you won’t have wasted your youth?”

“I know it sounds stupid, but it’s sort of like a bucket list. Things to do before you die. Or turn thirty which is the same thing.” I shake my head. She’s crazy, but something about her kind of crazy makes me want to jump on board.

“It’s not stupid.” I look around the pool. There is a privacy fence around the outside, so no one should be able to see inside. She’s also left most of the lights off. It’s a bright night, so there’s plenty of ambient light. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“Wait. Do what?” Her eyes grow wide when I slip off my gun belt. My shirt follows next. I’m officially off duty now. I was heading home when I got this last call. I shove my shoes and socks under one of the lounge chairs.

“Are you getting in?” I ask, pushing my pants down my legs.

“Mmm-hmm.” Her mouth is slightly open as her gaze explores my body. I’d smirk, but I’m afraid I’ll destroy the moment. In the very basic sense, this is what I’ve been angling for. Eliot. Me. Naked.

“Get going. We’ve got swimming to do.” I turn my back to her, slide off my underwear, and dive into the pool.

When I emerge, Eliot has her back to me, peeling off her clothes. I turn around to give her some privacy. It’s hard. I’d like to feast on naked Eliot in so many ways. I hear a splash and turn around right as her head pops back out of the water.

“It’s cold,” she squeals.

“It is,” I agree with a grin. “Have you never skinny-dipped before?”

“Never. It feels amazing.” She starts to float on her back before remembering she’s still naked. I watch her flounder around trying to get her body back under the water.

“Come here.” I hold out my hand.

She’s hesitant but finally swims to me. I can reach the bottom of the pool where we’re at; she can’t. When she draws close enough, I gently slide my hand behind her neck and pull her against me. Her body feels so amazing against mine that I have to close my eyes to maintain control.

Gently, I spin her in my arms and lay her head on my shoulder. Her body slowly floats to the surface as she relaxes. The water is like a curtain slowly opening on a hidden gem.

I ease her arms out to the side as she gazes up at the stars. That is one of the best things about living in a small town; the stars are visible even in the middle of town.

“Beautiful,” I whisper in her ear.

“They are.”

“I wasn’t talking about the stars.” She smiles, and my heart kicks up a beat. It’s the perfect night. The sky is clear, the stars fill the night sky, and I have the most stunning woman with me. Nothing could ruin this night.


“Shit,” I bark, scrambling to shove Eliot back under the water. I get her pressed up behind me just as Arlo comes striding into the pool area.

“Hey, we’ve been trying to get you on the… oh.” His gaze traces over the stack of clothes on the lounger. Then they cut to Eliot’s clothes. “Hey, Eliot.” He gives me a shit-eating grin.

“Hey, Arlo,” she says, peering over my shoulder.

“I’ll just let the office know you’re fine.” He smirks at me. “Want me to lock the door on the way out?”

“Yes,” I growl between clenched teeth.

“You kids have fun.” With a wave, he’s gone.

“What do you think the chance he won’t tell everyone in town that he saw us skinny dipping is?” Eliot asks, still clinging to my back.

“You’ve lived here your whole life, you tell me.”

I’m pissed. Everything was going so perfectly. I should have called back in when everything was clear. The universe keeps conspiring to keep us apart. Well, you know what? Fuck the universe.

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