Page 44 of Brazen

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Crap, I’ve already been called into the principal’s office and I don’t even go to school here.

“Tessa, would you like one of our students to show you around? Colton is in your grade. He’s one of our new student ambassadors. He’ll answer any questions you might have.”

My niece nods.

The secretary calls down to a classroom, and soon a too-good-looking-for-his-own good kid shows up. He’s tall for his age with perfect white teeth. His hair even sweeps artfully over his brow like every teen movie star wishes for.

Where did they get this kid? Did he walk off of a movie set? There’s no way he’s twelve. He introduces himself to Tessa. She giggles and follows him out the door.

“His last name’s not Campbell, is it?” I ask with a scowl. “Couldn’t find a girl to show her around?”

“Officer Steele?” a woman standing just inside the door to the principal’s office asks. I take one last look down the hallway through the glass window at my niece. She’s happily hanging on every smile thrown her way. Double crap.

“I’m Principal Scott.” I’m forced to turn and shake her hand.

“Very nice to meet you. Is there a problem with Tessa’s enrollment?”

“Not at all.” She motions me inside her office. Closing the door behind her, she returns to the large leather chair behind her desk. I take the chair closest to me. “I just want to make sure we have everything under control for Tessa’s safety. I understand you have temporary full custody, and there is a restraining order?”

“Yes. I included everything in the paperwork, including a photo of her mother. In the past, her mother would simply pick her up and disappear. I want to make sure that doesn’t happen this time,” I answer.

“And this is her mother, Gwyn Steele?” She holds up the photo of my sister.

“The most recent one I have.”

“Is there anyone else she might get to lure Tessa away?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think Tessa would go with anyone else.”

“Good. Rest assured, Officer Steele, we will do everything within our power to keep her safe while at school. I’ll make sure the teachers are made aware on Friday at our staff meeting.”

“Thank you. That’s all I can ask. If you have any problems, please contact me immediately.”

“We will certainly do that.” She stands, and I follow her lead. When I return to the office, Tessa is still gone.

“Is she coming back, or have I lost her forever to some pint-sized playboy?” I ask the secretary.

“She’s fine. I told her she’s welcome to stay the rest of the day if she’d like. That way, she can pick up her books and get her assignments before the weekend. The school is closed tomorrow for teacher in-service.”

“Oh. Okay then.”

“Just make sure you’re in line on the east side by three-thirty to pick her up.” And just like that, I’m dismissed. It feels weird to just leave her here without so much as a goodbye. That’s how we parted ways the last time. Her mother just disappeared with her without so much as letting me know.

I was just gifted a half day to get some things done. Driving home, my mind reels with everything I still need to do. Childcare. New place. Medical appointments for her. Check next week’s shift.

What I do is stumble into my apartment and slump on the couch. I set the alarm on my phone for three-fifteen just in case. I don’t want to be late on the first day.

That’s the only reason I make it on time to pick Tessa up. Two seconds after my butt hit the couch, I was asleep. I should have run by Eliot’s office on the way home. At this point, I’m sure she’s given up on me. I shove those thoughts to the back of my brain when Tessa, with a grin from ear to ear, climbs into my cruiser.

“How was your day?” I ask.

“Oh my gosh, Uncle Owen. I got invited to a birthday party. I didn’t even know anyone, and just like that, this girl said I should come. And she gave me an invite.” She waves a card in my face.

“Colton said she’s one of the cool girls. That means I should go, right? What am I going to wear? Anyway, Colton says I’ll be a knockout in anything I pick. Colton plays baseball. He thinks I should come to one of his games.”

She rambles on about school the entire way to the apartment. All I know by the time we arrive is I’ve grown to hate Colton. I know, it’s stupid. But Tessa is way too young to get mixed up with some player of a seventh grader. I might need to wear my uniform next time I pick her up just to let this boy know where he stands.

Don’t judge. I’m just trying to survive.
