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“I can leave whenever I want?” I said, trying to check any boxes I might’ve left open. I wanted this contract locked up before I made a move.

“Whenever you’re ready to go, say the word.” He leaned on the door opening, utterly unfazed.

“Then we’re coming. I’ll tell Duncan and Groza to let the pack know I’ll be gone for a few days.”

“I think it’s better if I tell them.”

I nodded. Letting him take that responsibility felt weak, but if he didn’t do it, I wasn’t sure I’d get out of here too easy. Duncan was going to put up a fight, and I was running on empty in that department.

“Can you leave tomorrow at first light? I think the sooner you get a little distance, the better.”

I nodded, my gut knotting. I didn’t take that as a sign that I was making a bad choice. Knots in my stomach seemed to be a constant condition lately, no matter what I chose. All the good, safe options had disappeared with the rest of the civilized world on Death Day.

Chapter Eighteen

Buddie bargedinto the cottage the next morning, his gaze immediately going to the packed bags by the door.

“So it wasn’t a joke? You’re really going with him?”

Damned Duncan. I’d planned on stopping next door and telling the guys myself, but he had beaten me to it.

“We’re just checking it out, visiting for a couple days, and it’s just down the road.”

Rastin popped in right behind him. “Do you realize how bad everyone around here is going to flip when you leave? Last time they were without a guide, things fell apart fast.”

“Other packs don’t have guides, and it’s only for a few days.” I’d woken up strung tight, and the two of them felt like they were winding me even tighter.

“But theyneverhad one. This is a different situation,” Buddie said, as if I didn’t get it.

“I want to get out of here for a little while. I’ll be back soon.”

“But with Kicks?” Rastin said.

How bad was Kicks if he was the black sheep of this group? Actually, I could see how he’d gotten that reputation. He didn’t seem to respect lines, anyone’s lines, no matter how big andbold they were. It actually made me feel better about the Groza situation. He was the most likely person to give her the finger.

Charlie’s feet were stomping above my head, and I checked the clock. “Look, I have to go. I’ll be back in a few days. It’s not that big a deal.”

Kicks appeared at the open door, smiling at the guys in greeting.

Buddie and Rastin grumbled acknowledgements as Kicks grabbed my bags and Charlie made his way downstairs.

“You’ll close up for her?” Kicks said to them, casual but with an effortless confidence that they’d follow his orders.

“Yeah,” Buddie said, his voice lower than it had been moments before.

Rastin grunted again.

“Thanks,” Kicks said, as if he’d received an enthusiastic reply. He had an uncanny ability to stick it to people without ever coming across aggressive. It was a true talent.

Kicks led us out of the cottage, our bags in hand.

As we made our way toward the gates, we seemed to draw the attention of everyone we passed. I found myself repeating, “I’ll be back in a few days,” more times than necessary, regretting not having chosen to sneak out in the middle of the night.

It was a relief to get outside the walls.

“Piper, can I play video games today?” Charlie sounded as if the keys to heaven were dangling right out of reach of his little fingers.

He could play all day, and eat only ice cream and candy, if that made this easier for him. I looked at Kicks. “Is that possible?”
