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“Sure. He can play all day if that’s what you want.” He threw our bags in the back of the ATV.

“Really?” Charlie asked as we climbed in, looking like he’d just gotten a shot of adrenaline.

“You can,” I said.

It only took us a few minutes to get to the hotel. I could still walk back to the cottage if I wanted, which was good. It would be better if Groza couldn’t also get to me so easily. Still, it would give us some space, and maybe that would be enough to take tensions down a bit. I could only hope.

Charlie was bouncing up and down as we walked into the small hotel that had lights. It was crazy how something that had been a daily necessity now felt like a novelty.

Magnum was there, along with a few other familiar faces I’d seen in passing.

“Can I play games now?” Charlie said, eyeing up his possible playmates.

“Magnum, can you bring Charlie to the game room where the guys are and watch after him?” Kicks said.

Magnum nodded, smiling as if this was the best assignment he could’ve gotten. For some crazy reason, even with my past experience with him, I felt pretty confident he’d watch after Charlie better than most.

Kicks walked me upstairs to the third floor, which I believed was the top level. “I put you and Charlie in here. My room is down the hall if you need me.” He waved his hand down to one of the only other doors on the floor.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling stiffer than normal in his presence. I guessed it made sense, since I’d basically put me and my child at his mercy.

“We’re having dinner together if you want to join. It might be easier to get all the introductions out of the way. They’re a good bunch, but they’re going to be curious.”

I’d just finished having the last pack get their fill. I had nothing left to give. I was done filling other people up. All my energy was going toward keeping myself sane enough to make everything seem normal for Charlie.

“Yeah, I mean, I guess…”

“It’s up to you. I’m simply suggesting an easier way to get over the hump. If you’d rather eat in your room, that’s fine. I’ll tell them you were too tired to—”

I was already shaking my head. “No. You’re not telling them the human was too tired to get out of bed and leave her room.”

He opened the door of the suite and dropped my bags off in the living area. “You choose. I’ll handle the details either way.”

I didn’t want to be difficult. I just couldn’t seem to stop myself right now. I didn’t want to be here. I was sick of being the human in a group that viewed me as weak just for being born what I was. I was tired of being an anomaly. I was tired of this new world and what I was becoming.

“Someone’s being a big baby today,” Jaysa said, sitting in the suite’s chair.

I glared her way. She was part of the reason I was running on empty and the last person who should be casting judgment.

“What time is dinner?” I asked Kicks.

“Eight.” He glanced toward the chair I’d glared at.

“Any particular attire?” I asked, trying to pull his attention back to me.

“We’re not formal. Show up however you want.”

“We’ll be there.” I dropped down onto the couch, barely taking in the décor, which was very Victorian and cozy.

“If you need me, just give me a holler. Someone will know where I am.” He hesitated to leave, as if he knew I was at the very end of my rope and he thought I might go crazy if left to my own devices. “You’re good?”

I nodded, trying to muster up a smile.

He left, slowly, closing the door behind him.

I sank even deeper into the couch, letting my eyes close. It was the first time I’d been out of Groza’s pack since the incident.I hadn’t realized until now how draining it had been to wait for someone to show up at any minute and start trouble.

It was as if that threat being removed paralyzed me for a while. I didn’t move again until it was seven thirty. The only reason I got up then was the novelty of being able to take a boiling-hot shower. It was too much to let pass. It was such a luxury that I had a hard time getting out.
