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“Yeah. I agree. Hope the rest of the pack back in Arkansas takes it as well.”

“They will.”

He deserved more of the truth. How much more, I didn’t know. He’d covered up my crimes, and saved me and Charlie. Even now he was encouraging the pack to accept me when I was no longer their savior, but the monster who killed in the most unnerving of ways.

“There are some things we should probably discuss at some point.” I rubbed my legs, nervous at the thought of even broaching a discussion of the people—the things—I’d been seeing.

“I know. It’s all right. We’ll get there in time.”

“I’m not sure you’d be any better off for it. I’m not.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll handle it. It’ll be okay.” He leaned, reaching into his pocket. “Something came for you.”

I got to my feet, almost afraid to take it. He held out a slip of paper to me. It was folded once, so anyone who’d handled it had been able to read it easily.


Considering what’s come to light, you are no longer welcome. Please do not return. I won’t be able to help you if you do.


In other words, I walked back into that community and it was a death sentence, and I shouldn’t bother looking to him for help.

“I didn’t want to give that to you but felt I had to,” Kicks said. He grabbed my wrist, tugging me closer and plucking the note out of my hand before crumpling it up and tossing it across the room. “He’s an idiot. Always was and always will be.”

“What about the guys?” I asked.

“Excommunicated, from the sounds of it.”

But no death sentence. Duncan had left the door open for them. At least there was a drop of loyalty there.

Kicks pulled me closer, tucking my head under his chin.

“How are you not worried anytime you touch me?” I was just thrown out of a pack for the way I killed, and yet he touched me constantly.

“I’m just not. ” His fingers grazed the flesh of my neck. “You might think you’re a monster, but I don’t.”

“I’ve been warned you’re sort of crazy. I hadn’t believed it, but you’re making me a convert.”

“Kicks?” Crackers yelled from the sitting room.


I pulled back, knowing Crackers would be in the room in two seconds.

As if timed, he poked his head in. “We taking the stuff in the third bedroom on the second floor?”

“Some of it,” Kicks said, straightening off the bureau. “I’ll come show you.”

Crackers nodded and was gone again.

“We leave in the morning,” Kicks said.

I nodded. “Sounds good.

He stepped toward the door.

