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“OH!” I cried out, my back arching off the sofa as the intense pleasure washed over me.

My body rocked with the force of my orgasm, and I shuddered violently. Hayze continued to thrust, his own release building. With a final and powerful thrust, he came inside me, his body tensing as he groaned with pleasure.

We collapsed onto the floor, our bodies still joined. Hayze’s weight pressed me into the soft rug, but I didn’t mind. I was safe and content in his arms, our breaths mingling as we slowly came back to reality.

As we lay there, our hearts still racing, I marveled at our union. It was more than just physical; it was a connection that went beyond words.

Hayze kissed me softly, his lips gentle against mine. “This is all new to me,” he whispered.

I smiled, my fingers tracing the contours of his face. “Me too.”

We fell asleep in each other’s arms, our bodies entwined as we drifted off into a peaceful slumber.



I took a deep breath as I looked out at the sea of faces gathered in the community center. It was now or never. Clearing my throat, I stepped up to the podium, my research notes clutched tightly in one hand.

“Thank you all for coming,” I began, my voice echoing through the silent room. “I’ve called this meeting because I have evidence of serious environmental violations taking place right here in our backyard.”

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. I glanced at Hayze, lurking in the shadows at the back of the room. His presence steeled my nerves.

“Over the past few months, my colleague and I have documented extensive illegal logging and poaching in the state parklands around the county. We’ve compiled photographs, videos, even DNA samples.” I held up the folder containing our findings.

The murmuring grew louder, with a few angry shouts. I stood firm. “I know this is hard information to hear. But we can’tignore what’s happening to our beautiful home. If we don’t take action now, irreparable damage will be done.”

A man stood up, jabbing his finger at me accusingly. “And just who do you think you are, missy, making wild allegations against hardworking folks?”

I met his glare steadily. “My name is Arlet Rune. I’m an environmental researcher with the conservation non-profit Wild Trust. Evidence supports everything we’ve shared today.”

The man snorted. “We’re supposed to take the word of an outsider against our own? I’ve lived here for sixty years and I ain’t ever seen any of this supposed illegal activity.”

Nods and shouts of agreement followed his words. My confidence faltered. Then I spotted Hayze gazing at me encouragingly. Drawing courage from his strength, I doubled down.

“You’re right. I haven’t been here long. But I care deeply about protecting these lands and wildlife. That’s why I’m bringing this to your attention. Because together, we have the power to put a stop to it.”

For a moment, the crowd was silent. Then a woman stood up. “I believe her. My husband’s a park ranger and he’s noticed unusual activity lately. But his superiors told him to keep quiet.”

The mood shifted as others chimed in with their own experiences. I flashed the woman a grateful smile. “It’s going to take all of us working together to protect our home. We can start by contacting the authorities and demanding a full investigation into illegal operations in the area. Are you with me?”

Voices rang out in assent. I exhaled. I hadn’t realized I was holding. As the crowd dispersed to take action, I locked eyes with Hayze. His proud smile sent a rush of warmth through me. We’d done it together.

I collapsed onto the couch, exhausted but exhilarated. The town hall meeting had been a success. Now to keep the momentum going.

Hayze sat down beside me, the cushions barely depressing under his weight. “You did well today,” he rumbled.

I smiled at him gratefully. “We did well. I couldn’t have rallied the town without the evidence you helped me gather.”

He inclined his head in acknowledgment. We made a good team, human and Talos. United by a common cause - protecting this land.

“So, what’s our next move?” I asked. “We need to keep the pressure on while the issue’s fresh.”

Hayze considered for a moment. “Perhaps another expedition, to collect additional proof.” His white eyes narrowed. “Whoever is behind this will not surrender easily. They will retaliate.”

I nodded grimly. He was right. Our actions today would provoke dangerous foes. But it was a risk worth taking.

“Then we’d better be prepared for them,” I said with determination. “I’m not about to let these criminals continue destroying our home.”

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