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Hayze gazed at me, his expression unreadable. But I sensed his respect. “Nor will I,” he rumbled.

A fierce kinship rose between us. We would fight to defend this land we both cherished, no matter the cost.

I stood, energized by purpose. “Let’s regroup tomorrow. Tonight calls for celebration.”

Hayze rose as well, ducking his horns under the ceiling beams. “I shall continue patrolling the area.” He started for the door.

“Wait,” I blurted. I didn’t want him to go just yet. I stepped closer, my eyes meeting his. “Stay awhile.”

He went still, surprise flickering across his stony features. The moment stretched between us. Wordlessly, he sank back down onto the couch.

I sat beside him, acutely aware of his nearness. Drawn by an impulse I didn’t understand, I reached out to trace my fingers along his arm. Smooth granite, shot through with crystalline veins. Beautiful.

Hayze’s breath caught at my touch. The sound emboldened me. I leaned in closer, tilting my face up to his. Strong arms enfolded me, pulling me against his broad chest.

Our lips met, tentative at first, then more urgently. I gave myself over to the sensation, a heady rush sweeping through me.

We sank backwards onto the couch, shedding clothes with eager hands. His body covered mine, skin against bronze. Primal need awakened in both of us. All thoughts faded but this exquisite moment of connection.

My phone chimed from the coffee table, snapping us back to reality. We drew apart reluctantly. The text could wait - I had everything I needed right here.

I reached for the phone, the afterglow still warming my skin, and swiped the screen to life. The message was a stark contrast to the intimate quiet of the room, its contents a cold jab into my past.

I know you aren’t who you say you are.

The room seemed to tilt. My breath caught in my throat. I read the words again, but their meaning didn’t change. Someone knew—or thought they knew—about Charlotte Bruno.

Hayze’s voice broke through my spiraling thoughts. “Arlet?”

I handed him the phone without a word, watching his expression as he read. His jaw set, eyes hardened like ancient shields.

“This could mean several things,” he said finally, his voice low and even.

I nodded, pulling the blanket tighter around me. “Someone’s onto me. Onto my past life.”

Hayze handed back the phone and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “It’s also possible they suspect you of having ulterior motives here. Your environmental work has stirred up the community.”

“I’m just an environmentalist,” I insisted, though a knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach.

Hayze leaned forward, his gaze piercing. “To us, yes. But consider how it looks to others. You’ve come out of nowhere, rallying people against local industry?—”

“And now someone thinks I’m here to do more than save trees.” The realization was like a splash of cold water.

Hayze nodded slowly. “It’s a threat we can’t ignore.”

I shivered despite his warm presence beside me. It wasn't just about me anymore; other factors were also involved.

“What should we do?” I asked him with faultering confidence.

“We tighten security,” Hayze replied without hesitation. “And we stay vigilant.”

I bit my lip, thinking of all the potential dangers lurking in shadows I thought I’d left behind in New York.

“Will you be able to keep me safe?” The question slipped out before I could stop it.

Hayze’s eyes softened slightly, but his voice remained firm. “Always.”

Despite everything, I believed him. His presence had become my anchor in this new world.
