Page 80 of The More I Hate

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Sometimes, my partners and I indulged in more violent delights, and with others it was all passion, heat, and chemistry. I had ripped women’s clothes from their bodies, desperate to get to their bare flesh. I had chained women to crosses and whipped them to orgasm.

The quick fucks in the more private spots in the club had been erotic but impersonal. I had possessed every woman I had ever enjoyed.

Even with Amelia, the first few times I’d played with her, I’d owned her.

Last night had been different.

Last night I had taken her to show affection.

I had been gentle as I’d explored her body and coaxed her into pleasure before giving in to my own. I hadn’t taken or demanded. It had been profoundly different.

Something told me Amelia was the woman who was meant for me, that no matter who I had been with before, she was the only one who could have given me what we had last night. It was the kind of thing that made a man want to love his wife.

For the first time in my life, my mind was still.

It wasn’t buzzing about the next person who was coming after me.

I wasn’t strategizing how to destroy someone for having the audacity to inconvenience me. I hadn’t even thought of ways to have my father removed as head of the family all morning.

It was just me and my wife-to-be cuddled in bed.

She was safe and happy, and I was content.

Now I had been notified that my father was here and wanted to speak to me, and he knew I was home, so there was no way to make him fuck off. He was still head of the family, for now, and it was simpler to let him think he was still in charge. Besides, if Henry had entered this room, it was clear he had tried to make my father leave and it hadn’t worked.

As carefully as I could, I slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb Amelia.

She immediately reached for me, and the cutest little line appeared between her brows when she couldn’t find me. A strange ache bloomed in my chest, and I wanted to crawl back into bed. Instead, I took my pillow, still warm from my body and still smelling like me, and slid it over to her.

She immediately pulled it in close and fell back into a deep slumber.

I’d be back in this bed as quickly as possible, so I slid on black silk pajama bottoms and a robe. With any luck, the casual appearance would help my father realize it wasn’t a good time to visit.

“He is waiting in the study, sir,” Henry said. “And I finished that report you asked for.”

“Thank you, Henry. Go home and spend some time with your family.”

“Sir? It’s nine a.m. on a Saturday.”

“Exactly, go home. Take a day off. That’s an order.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turned to leave, and I called out to stop him.

“Make that Monday, Henry. I’m taking the weekend off. You should do the same.”

“The entire weekend, sir?” He stared at me, blinking like he had misheard me.

“Keep your phone handy in case I have a question, but don’t count on me calling you,” I said. He looked at me like I had lost my mind and opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then thought better of it.

“Have a good weekend, Mr. Manwarring.”

He headed toward the front door while I went to my private study. It was one of the few places my father knew I didn’t like him in, which of course was why he was there. I wasn’t even surprised to see him sitting in my desk chair. He held a cup, so he was drinking my coffee, his filthy polished Italian leather loafers on my desk right above my keyboard.

The old man was pushing me too far.

“Luc, there you are. You took your time. It’s already nine a.m. You should have been up hours ago.”

“I was otherwise occupied.”
