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Blake had lay holding onto Cristina all night thinking about someone taking what was his. And oh, hell no, that wasn’t going to happen. All night long, he’d thought about how to convince Cristina that he wanted to marry her.

Make them a family.

She had problems with his money and it was all his fault. The night they met, he’d spilled his guts about how women only wanted him for his money nothing else. And how much that hurt.

And it was true, many women only dated him to get their hands on his money.

But with Cristina it was different. She hadn’t asked for anything. Nothing. She’d not even come to him when she learned she was pregnant but kept that information to herself.

Today, he and Wyatt were going to visit a lawyer friend here in town and have that prenup drawn up. Madison was busy working on other things, and today, she and Adrian were going to visit a caterer for their wedding.

He needed someone else to do this quickly.

Maybe if he drew up a prenup, she would feel better about his money. Plus, his brothers were all asking that anyone who got married to please get a prenup so they didn’t lose the ranch.

They wanted the Kissing Oaks Ranch to be there for the next generation. Already Adrian had been through a divorce, and who was to say that one of them wouldn’t make the wrong choice and bring home someone who would take their money, their ranch, and anything else they could get their hands on?

If the prenup made her feel better, then that’s all he wanted. He didn’t need one, but she was not comfortable with people believing she was a gold digger. And she wasn’t.

The next morning after they left the lawyer’s office, he took Wyatt to the jeweler and together they picked out a ring. He wanted to ask her to marry him and move her back to the ranch where she would be safe. Where his son would be safe.

There, he wouldn’t have to worry about someone stealing his child.

But first, how could he convince her that they were meant to be together as man and wife?

When he pulled back into the apartment complex there was a black van sitting in the parking lot that he’d not seen there before.

Getting out of the truck, he reached for the back door to get Wyatt out of his seat. The baby was cooing as he unsnapped the harness and pulled him out. When he turned around, there was a microphone in his face and a camera pointed at him.

“News Fifteen would like to ask you some questions. Is that baby your son?”

“Back off,” Blake said. “I’m not talking to any media.”

Wyatt blew them a raspberry and Blake put his head down and hurried to the apartment. Tonight they were going to talk about getting married, the prenup, and moving. She couldn’t stay here alone.

The stupid reporters followed him all the way up the stairs, asking him questions that he ignored. When he unlocked the door, he turned and slammed it in their faces.

With a sigh, he gazed at Wyatt whose bottom lip started to tremble.

“Sorry, buddy, I guess that scared you. But they deserved that and more for being disrespectful. How about a change and a bottle before I fix your momma some dinner.”

After he took care of Wyatt, he heated the dinner he’d bought and hoped that Cristina would walk in the door any moment. He’d sent her a text and warned her about the reporters waiting outside.

At six o’clock, she walked in the door. “Good grief.”

He grinned at her and gave her a hug. “Nothing like going through the gauntlet to reach your front door.”

“When is this going to end?”

“I wish I knew,” he said. Occasionally they still had reporters who hung outside their gate. Though they all had agreed not to talk to them.

“Dinner is ready,” he told her.

“How is Wyatt?” she asked glancing around.

Just then she saw him in his baby jumper.
