Page 113 of Valentine in a Kilt

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Emery grins. "That's the look I expected to see when I dropped that bomb. The club also organized bringing Eric and Courtney here."

"That's far less of a shock than what you said about Rebecca."

"Are you okay with these revelations? We already told Rebecca a little while ago, and she was surprised but appreciative."

How do I feel about their meddling? Considering how much my outlook on romance has changed lately, I experience a shocking revelation of my own. "No, I don't mind at all what you lasses did."

Emery kisses my cheek. "I'm so glad to hear that. Happy Valentine's Day, Thane. I need to go tend to my hubby. He gets lonely without me."

The lass walks away.

I notice Eric and Iona are now enjoying a piece at the buffet, and they're laughing. Will a romance develop? Dinnae know. But at least my sister is enjoying herself now.

And I have a wee surprise for Rebecca.

I wave at Errol. When he sees me, he nods and jogs toward the console that holds all the music-related equipment. He turns dials or whatever, and the music stops. "Listen up, laddies and lasses! We have a special request to fulfill, and we need everyone to make room in the center of the dance floor."

Everyone obeys without hesitation, even the contest winners.

A new song begins, and I approach Rebecca, holding out my hand. "Dance with me, mo chridhe, please."

She takes my hand as we walk into the center of the floor.

Errol turns more dials. A song begins to play---"Hungry Like the Wolf."

Rebecca laughs. "Are we dancing to this?"

"Of course." I pull her closer and rest a hand on her hip to encourage her to move with the beat of the music. Once she's in the groove, we move round the floor together, our toes tapping. When I lift her hand above our heads, she spins round for me. We are no professional dancers, but no one gives a toss about that. As the song reaches its climax, I dip her backward and then pick her up with one hand lifting her erse and the other holding up her shoulders. I whirl round twice, then set the lass on her feet.

But I'm not done yet. I fall to one knee, pulling a velvet box out of my pocket. "Rebecca Jeannette Taylor, I love you with all my heart and soul. Until you came into my life, I'd given up on ever finding the right woman for me. But with a wee bit of help from the American Wives Club, that woman walked into my distillery five weeks ago and changed my world forever."

Her lips quiver slightly, and her eyes shimmer with gathering tears.

I open up the box and show her the glittering diamond ring. "Will you marry me, Rebecca?"

She covers her mouth, clearly overcome with emotion.

"Say yes, Mom!" Courtney shouts.

"Yeah, Mom, go for it!" Eric declares.

"How can I say no to that?" Rebecca plants a firm kiss on my lips. "Yes, Thane, of course I'll marry you."

The crowd erupts in cheers and whistles.

Valentine's Day used to be my least favorite holiday. But now, I can't wait for it to come again next year.

We make the rounds in the ballroom, accepting congratulations from everyone including the contest winners. The ball goes on for a while longer, but Rebecca and I are jeeked and ready for bed. Not to shag. No, we need sleep. After all, we have a wedding to plan now.

As we walk down the spiral staircase, we catch Iona and Eric standing in the vestibule. Her cheeks are pink, and he keeps touching her hand. Then the two of them walk out the door to the outside. They didn't seem to notice us.

Rebecca and I halt in the vestibule.

She whispers, "Do you think they're going to..."

"Have a poke? Dinnae know. I want Iona to have a good time tonight, that's all. Let's not engage in speculation."

"You're right. But I'd love to see her getting out there and dating again."

"So would I. Now, mo chridhe, let's go home."
