Page 46 of Alpha's Captive

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“I’ll see to it,” Lex said.

“Thank you.”

Lex turned back to Brandon. “Bring Roxbury to my rooms and don’t stop to talk to anyone along the way if you meet someone. In the meantime, I’ll send for Asher and Wyatt.” Lex glanced over at Roxbury. “Take care of him, Roxbury. He’s been under attack as well. In the short time since we returned, his health has been deteriorating rapidly.”

I flushed under Roxbury’s close regard. I didn’t like being discussed like I wasn’t standing right there.

“But what on earth could be the reason for all this?” Rory asked. “Who would it benefit if both Roxbury and Brandon were dead?”

“I know someone who might benefit,” I said softly.

“What?” Lex asked. “Who? What are you thinking?”

“I had a visit this morning from Prince Chandler. He-he told me some things, and he asked me if I could marry him. Right away.” I looked over at Roxbury and took his hand in mine, squeezing it tightly. “I told him I would.”

“What the fuck?” Rox said, not even trying to keep his voice down.

Lexington looked shocked by my revelation, too, but he stepped closer and practically hissed at Rox. “Don’t speak to him that way,” he said, and Roxbury gave him an evil look in return.

“I’ll speak to him anyway I damn well please,” he said, way too loud and putting a possessive arm around my shoulders. “He’s my mate.”

“That doesn’t give you the right to abuse him.”

“I’d never abuse him. Damn it, we’re both Alphas and he can take care of himself, you know.”

“Which only makes it weirder. You’re not helping your case.”

“I don’t have a ‘case.’ It’s a fact, and you need to wrap your head around it. Before I do it for you.”

They growled and glared at each other for a few more minutes, until I pulled Roxbury firmly away and stood in front of him. “This isn’t helping one damn bit.”

“Yeah, well, neither is you going around promising to marry other people.”

“I thought you were dead.”

“I still don’t like it.” the idiot said. I grabbed him and kissed him hard enough to shut him up. He looked a little dazed when I let him surface for air. I turned back to Lexington.

“Go ahead. Don’t worry about us, and we’ll follow you soon.”

Lex was looking a little unsure, but he finally nodded and took Rory’s hand to lead him off the ramparts and back inside. I turned back to my mate and kissed him again. I was making up for lost time and besides, he looked like he needed it. I knew I did. While I held him close, I bit his neck gently and sucked a little of his blood. I couldn’t believe I’d ever thought it was unpleasant. Nothing about him could ever be. He cried out softly and shuddered in my arms as I held him close.

“Why did you promise to marry someone else?” Rox groaned after a minute or so.

“I thought I was going to die soon, and he-he told me something that convinced me.”


“I can’t say. He swore me to secrecy, and I have to respect his privacy.”

“But we think he’s the one who wants you dead.”

“No, I don’t. Not really. I just said he was someone who would benefit from my death. If we were married, that is. He’d inherit my estate, if he were my husband and I died. And he’d be under no strong obligation to marry again too soon. He could stay in mourning a long time.”

“Sounds like a good enough reason to me. Though he is a prince. Why would he need your money?”

“I can’t say.”

“Oh, you’re going to say.”
